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Lesser in a sentence

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Sentence count:300+7Posted:2017-02-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: desserttactlessnessselflessnessassertassertedassertivepatisseriedissertationMeaning: ['lesə(r)]  adj. 1. of less size or importance 2. smaller in size or amount or value. 
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151. Where they conform to any lesser standard they will not provide protection.
152. Overall, these various proportional systems achieve a greater or lesser degree of proportionality in representation.
153. This is generally observed at the first meeting and to a somewhat lesser extent at subsequent meetings.
154. Lesser men, together with the conscientious and immeasurably learned John Stuart Mill, refined, developed and organized the ideas.
155. All of these suffer from the transfer problem already mentioned, though to a lesser extent.
156. At least they chose the lesser of two evils, but even so Tank managed to create havoc.
157. This may be a result of having received a lesser dose of malaria parasite, he said.
158. Each of these organisations is, to a greater or a lesser extent, involved in transferring technology to an end user.
159. High free lime content in soil restricts access to iron and, to a slightly lesser extent, manganese.
160. They will be replaced by lesser black-backed gulls, the only Shetland breeding gull which entirely deserts the islands in winter.
161. What is true of schools in the public sector is true also, to a lesser extent, of independent schools.
162. With lesser riders far down the slopes, the brutality of the attacks on other riders becomes more apparent.
163. This mechanism apparently exerts a lesser action on transcripts of the deleted genes possibly because they are present in lower concentrations.
164. The hierarchy of race with Aryans or Anglo-Saxons at its apex was under threat of contamination from the supposed lesser breeds.
165. A lesser finding of manslaughter carries a maximum 20-year prison term.
166. All polite exchanges are conventional to a greater or lesser extent.
167. They also, to a greater or lesser extent, existed outside mainstream, predominantly male controlled, hierarchical structures.
168. There is a lesser one, which still remains an irritation.
169. If it comes to the crunch, going in would seem to me the lesser evil.
170. The Duke's lesser titles include a couple of earldoms[], a barony or two and the lordship of Eskdale.
171. Usually a choice has to be made whether to carry out 100% inspection or some lesser amount on a sampling basis.
172. If it results in young Pardy being charged with a lesser offence, Deanes will be highly satisfied.
173. The lesser ones probably opted to seek their fortune in the clothing trade.
174. Those who are out for good times race but we lesser mortals chat and laugh, banter and encourage.
175. Equally, regulatory change transformed financial services, but had lesser impact on chemicals.
176. My affection for her was leavened with lesser likings and with admiration.
176. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
177. In a continent where economic successes are rare, authoritarianism may seem a lesser evil than abject poverty.
178. Even with that lesser verdict there was plenty of mitigation.
179. A symbol of lesser importance was the cross and its variants such as the star, wheel and swastika.
180. To impress and drive away lesser males, the harem bull develops a darker coat and a swollen neck.
More similar words: desserttactlessnessselflessnessassertassertedassertivepatisseriedissertationlessassessvesselblesspossessfinessedressedessenceuselessunlesslessonstressedobsessedendlesswitlesshaplesscarelessin essenceprocesseddepressedessentialaddressed
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