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Leisure in a sentence

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Sentence count:265+7Posted:2016-09-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: freedombusinessSimilar words: sureensureassurefor suremake sureexposuremeasure upmeasurementMeaning: ['lɪːʒər /'leʒə]  n. 1. time available for ease and relaxation 2. freedom to choose a pastime or enjoyable activity. 
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91. The whole atmosphere was tastefulness and leisure.
92. Local Activities: walks, golf, fishing, leisure centre.
93. Virtually everywhere, the fundamentals are sound: the number of older people is growing and they are spending more on leisure.
94. Lakeside leisure complex with pool and extensive health and fitness facilities.
95. The main topics covered are finance, health and leisure, together with the social aspects of adjusting to retirement.
96. I knew the language, the dress codes, what the leisure weekend activites were.
97. The new leisure complex has a sauna, jacuzzi, swimming pool and tennis courts.
98. Projects in the pipeline include office buildings, leisure facilities and a chain of hamburger bars.
99. It exasperated his grandmother to see this forceful spirit drifting like a rudderless boat, directed neither to work nor to leisure.
100. Take, for example, listening to music, which many people see as a leisure activity.
101. For clubs in decent pitches though, offices or leisure complexes on part of their land can also provide cash.
102. Joanna, 25[], walked into the leisure centre where she works at 7am yesterday after vanishing on Tuesday.
103. Make a deliberate effort to develop enjoyable leisure activities and hobbies.
104. The warning follows tests of pools at schools, hotels, holiday camps and leisure centres in 196 local authorities.
105. The typical leisure wear at the ryokan is a blue and white cotton robe known as a yukata provided by the management.
106. Consider downloading the article bodies along with the headers to read offline at your leisure.
107. Likewise, many aspects of leisure and voluntary associations associated with residential location belong in the sphere of civil society.
108. The creative use of existing clubs and leisure facilities could go much of the way to addressing this concern.
109. A major factor with significant explanatory power for both participation and intensity is the leisure orientation of the consumer.
110. Several high-profile companies collapsed, including Qunitext, a television and leisure resort company headed by Christopher Skase.
111. The leisure centre has been at the centre of a compensation wrangle since serious building defects were discovered last year.
112. He leaves at the end of this year to start a career in leisure management.
113. Leogang also has a super leisure and fitness centre, with a heated open-air swimming pool.
114. Masonry diaphragm walling is a popular form of loadbearing wall construction for leisure and commercial buildings.
115. Nowadays, prisons are like leisure complexes,( with snooker tables and televisions.
116. The leisure time of teenage boys is spent wandering in the forest, from house to house, and in hammock gossip.
117. And the leisure department is to be ordered on to a tough economy drive, paring back all unnecessary expenditure.
118. Disney's quest is to conquer the worlds of entertainment and leisure.
119. Those that are wounded and stunned will be consumed by the swordfish at leisure, circling round any that start to sink.
120. Sporting and leisure facilities include golf, tennis, riding, restaurants, bars, nightclubs.
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