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Jail in a sentence

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Sentence count:210+25Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: hold captiveimprisonincarceratelock upSimilar words: nailsailmailrailtrailretailfail todetailMeaning: [dʒeɪl]  n. a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence). v. lock up or confine, in or as in a jail. 
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61. They spent ten years in jail for fraud.
62. The criminal was committed to jail.
63. He's stayed out of trouble since he was released from jail last year.
64. Griffiths spent three days in jail after pushing a policeman.
65. With good behaviour, she could be out of jail in two years.
66. His accusation kicked back and he himself had to go to jail.
67. Three men have broken out of a top security jail.
68. He was able to settle with his creditors, and avoid going to jail.
69. The police have been on my ass ever since I got out of jail.
70. Men like him usually ended up in jail - or the gutter.
71. Britain's worst jail riot will force a fundamental reappraisal of prison policy.
72. We want Taylor in jail where we can keep an eye on him.
73. Arrests and jail sentences have done nothing to deter the protesters.
74. In the old days they would have clapped you in jail for that.
75. The demonstrators were carted off to jail by the police.
76. He's probably going to finish up in jail for business fraud.
77. He was banged up in a Singapore jail for six months.
78. The police arrived and carted 40 rioters off to jail.
79. One of the guys tried to bribe a police officer and finished up in jail.
80. Mr Garcia said his conscience was clear over the jail incidents.
81. Up to a thousand prisoners may be on the loose inside the jail.
82. Kathryn knows to her cost the effect of having served a jail sentence.
82. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
83. He was found guilty of blasphemy and sentenced to three years in jail.
84. In the end the "bad guys" are caught and sent to jail.
85. He took her to jail(, where she was fingerprinted and booked.
86. The judge liked using the word 'wicked' of people he had sent to jail.
87. Society has to give prisoners a second chance when they come out of jail.
88. She was prepared to sit out the years of Jack's jail sentence.
89. The government voted to punish corruption in sport with up to four years in jail.
90. If he is found guilty, he faces up to 12 years in jail.
More similar words: nailsailmailrailtrailretailfail todetailprevailtrailerailmentretailerdetailedin detailrailroadavailablebe availableavailability
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