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Inform in a sentence

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Sentence count:151+24Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accuseadvisebetrayblabcommunicateenlighteninstructnotifyreportsnitchsquealtattletellSimilar words: informalinformationgo in forin forcereinforceunfoldon footenforceMeaning: [ɪn'fɔrm /-'fɔːm]  v. 1. impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to 2. give character or essence to 3. act as an informer. 
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91. Under the terms of the legislation an abortion clinic was also required to inform a patient about the possible alternatives to abortion.
92. I could almost see him ticking me off the list of people to inform of his change of address.
93. But you'd better inform Freddy Swanson immediately that there is a problem.
94. Tennis courts lit pointlessly except to inform the driver of the sheer dimension of the leisure complex burst into life.
94. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
95. On page 40 you will find a list of who to inform of your change of address.
96. The farming industry needs to inform the public about all aspects of their industry and open these up to public discussion.
97. They beep, whir, thank, apologize, greet, inform, and give instructions.
98. Neither does it inform complex and stressful child care decisions.
99. Edward reportedly surrendered and abdicated, whereupon the estates renounced their homage to him and then returned to inform parliament.
100. Dealerco to inform Manelux of dealer conversion rate, number of outlets, staffing levels and worker morale.
101. It should also inform him of his right to apply to the court to purge his contempt.
102. Either: As agreed at our initial meeting, we would need to inform your auditors of this appointment.
103. First thing you've got to do is inform CID about the chocolates and cigarettes that had been stolen.
104. I am sure that one of my ministerial colleagues will want to inform the House tomorrow.
105. This week it has launched the Depression Awareness Week Nationwide campaign to inform and heighten public awareness about depression.
106. It does not require science to inform us that infants require infant care and children require child care.
107. This guidance is intended to inform all those involved in allocating resources and local budget setting.
108. There are many experiences which can sensitise and inform committed work.
109. Hence partners must inform the other partners of all personal profits which have accrued to them by virtue of their being partners.
110. News and Views articles inform non-specialist readers about new scientific advances[], sometimes in the form of a conference report.
111. Please inform the parents that my brother and I are in the best of health.
112. Corridor's platform will allow retailers to inform their customers of precise delivery dates through online links to manufacturers and distributors.
113. Why did ministers fail to inform the public of these dangers? The people of Britain deserve answers.
114. And there is no better place in which to educate and inform masses of people about this disease than in the workplace.
115. Their views should be sought regularly and systematically to inform decisions about what services should be provided.
116. The example engagement letter at 1101.2 includes a request for permission for us to inform the auditors of our appointment.
117. They decided to write a letter to Angel Clare, to inform him of the dangerous situation his wife was in.
118. In the name of the freedom to inform, we might break the law.
119. The professor shrugged, casting an eye over Davide's good jacket, to inform him that his information was unnecessary.
120. I beg leave to inform you of it.
More similar words: informalinformationgo in forin forcereinforceunfoldon footenforcedesign forformnormin fullinfantin factin return forenforcementformalreformperformformerformathormoneuniformnormallyformulain futureplatformformerlyenormousperformer
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