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APP in a sentence

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Sentence count:199Posted:2016-09-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: happyapplyapplehappenappearappealapply toappoint
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1 A collection of functions including app, debug and error.
2 Can't find templates. Please reinstall app.
3 Enter in the Name field and click Finish.
4 Mobile Payments: Killer App or Paper Tiger?
5 Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) is its etiological agent.
6 Option to purchase a mobile app.
7 IP telephony is a killer app of Internet.
8 Publishers have godown the app road before.
9 It's the kind of market saturation most app makers -- content makers of any kind, really -- only dream of.
10 The app pulls from sources such as the incidence of heart attacks, the National Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Environmental Protection Agency and the Haz-Map of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
11 Using a Silvercar app on a smartphone, a renter simply scans the QR code on any car in the lot he or she wants.
12 From task list: Capture a specific app from task list.
13 Another app enables solders to take a photo of a street sign and then get information on local areas such as water supplies and sympathisers.
14 The Churchill portrait has since app eared in publications on commemorative 8 stamps all over the world.
15 Objective To explore the variations of oxygen free radical(OFR) in the patients of acute paraquat poisoning(APP).
16 These plaques arise from the cleavage of APP, which generates short,[] sticky fragments called amyloid B - peptides.
17 Zippo lighter app displays an animated picture to wave at concerts, while Annoy-a-teen plays a high-pitched sound that only teenagers are supposed to be able to hear.
18 This app turns the Android camera into a barcode scanner.
19 Brightness Control for each app: Set different backlight brightness for each application in phone.
20 Many software companies and internet providers believe that e-learning is the next killer app.
21 It's still hard to form a solid opinion for a couple of reasons: First, demos weren't set up to run through the full OS, so I could only get a sense of each app on an individual basis.
22 Buyers will want to hold out for iPad-compatible programs, noted with a plus symbol in the App Store.
23 While Brya declines to disclose the cost to develop the app, he says the investment was recouped within the first 40 days.
24 Like most people, I wander into hyperbole from time to time. But it has now been a few days since I first played with Twitter for iPad, and I still think it is hands-down the best iPad app out there.
25 The reading experience is a matter of taste but I prefer the Kindle app's simplicity to the rather fussy, fake book stylings of Apple's own iBooks app.
26 To SNS website also be a challenge, the website needs enough maturity and magnanimity, receptivity, unapt the response that makes the APP generation of the heart negative.
27 Objective To construct eukaryotic expression vector of siRNA specific for ? ? - site APP cleaving enzyme ( BACE ).
28 If you enjoyed watching Coach Jillian kick butt on The Biggest Loser, this app might help bring a little of that same intensity to your own workouts.
29 The white crystals are identified the ammonium polyphosphate ( APP ) by use of FT - IR.
30 The main competitors are Google Android Market, launched in October last year, for phones that run on the Android system, Nokia's Ovi store, and the just launched Blackberry App Store.
More similar words: happyapplyapplehappenappearappealapply toappointhappilyapply forapparentapproveapprovalhappen toapproachappeal toapprove ofapparatusapparentlydisappearappropriateappointmentapplicationappreciationhappy-go-luckyapproximately
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