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Infectious in a sentence

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Sentence count:294+8Posted:2017-03-02Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: infectiveSimilar words: infectioninfecteddisinfectantaffectionaffectionateinflectionfactiousfractiousMeaning: [ɪn'fekʃəs]  adj. 1. caused by infection or capable of causing infection 2. easily spread 3. of or relating to infection. 
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121. However, limited resources have left many state and local health departments with inadequate capacity to conduct surveillance for most infectious diseases.
122. Those with oriented motion is of infectious oncosphere.
123. Diphtheria is a serious infectious disease.
124. These viruses affect children and are highly infectious.
125. In a word, serum hepatitis was also infectious.
126. This disease is not contagious [ infectious ] .
127. Poultry hauling equipment likewise can disseminate infectious material.
128. Melioidosis is a potentially fatal infectious disease of humans.
129. And any primate can harbor deadly infectious agents.
129. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
130. When you have this anthema, you are still infectious.
131. His writing style is concise and infectious.
132. Prof. of Dentistry: Kiss is infectious and antiseptic.
133. Scientists are a step closer to developing the first ever blood test for the deadly infectious disease known as kala-azar, or visceral leishmaniasis.
134. The moody, infectious Everything, featuring Motorcycle's Jes is also top-notch.
135. Infectious bursal disease (IBD) of poultry is an acute highly contagious viral infection. It heavily threatens the poultry industry.
136. Dean Blumberg, an associate professor of pediatric infectious disease at UC Dais.
137. Anthrax: Infectious disease of warm-blooded animals, caused by Bacillus anthracis, a bacterium that, in spore form, can retain its virulence in contaminated soil or other material for many years.
138. Avian leukosis in egg-type chickens is infectious neoplastic disease caused by avian leukosis viruse subgroup J( ALV-J).
139. Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, which are caused by the Bovine herpes virus type I, are extremely harmful to cattle industry.
140. Proventriculus type of avian infectious bronchitis isolate virus D971 was used to infect SPF chickens. Infected chickens manifested emaciation, diarrhea and mild dyspnea after inoculation.
141. The chief reason for refusing donors was a history of disease, including malaria and infectious hepatitis, and of hypertension.
142. Newcastle Disease ( ND ) and chicken Infectious Bronchitis ( IB ) are both serious infectious diseases.
143. That's more than a folksy aphorism when it comes to infectious diseases.
144. Conclusions The main indications of functional sinus surgery are infectious nasal sinus diseases or meatus nasi lesion that may interfere with the drainage.
145. Plague: Infectious fever caused by the Bacterium Yersinia pestis, carried by the rat flea.
146. Methods The breeding environment and the density of intermediate host were observed at regular intervals and the natural infectious status of intermediate host was surveyed by dissection.
147. This disease is infectious.
148. He worked at a fever heat, and it was so infectious that I felt my temples throbbing in sympathy with his efforts, the veins swelling in my brow.
149. To explore the dynamic changes of cellular immune function in children with infectious mononucleosis .
150. The main goal of the toilet modernization in rural areas is to prevent and control the propagation of the verminous and intestinal infectious affection.
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