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Improbable in a sentence

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Sentence count:108+8Posted:2017-03-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: doubtfulquestionableunlikelyAntonym: probableSimilar words: improbablyprobableprobable causeprobablyprobabilityimperturbableimpregnablereprobateMeaning: [ɪm'prɑbəbl /-'prɒb-]  adj. 1. not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred 2. having a probability too low to inspire belief 3. too improbable to admit of belief. 
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(31) It is therefore highly improbable if not impossible that recent damage to a roof would have caused rot in underlying timbers.
(32) It would need a gigantic and vanishingly improbable leap across genetic hyperspace.
(33) However, Dawkins suggests that, given enough time, even very improbable things might happen, and that is that.
(34) Biologists disagree about whether natural selection makes increased complexity probable or improbable.
(35) Investors realize that it is highly improbable that events will turn out as expected.
(36) The docs' guesswork just goes to show how miraculously improbable human health really is.
(37) Improbable because compared to the plump, leather-lined Bentley, a barn door has the frontal area of a postage stamp.
(38) I find it quite improbable that such order came out of chaos.
(39) It has deeply divided mid-green leaves that flare to wild, improbable scarlet.
(40) Given this, movement away from the primate city to the poor rural regions becomes highly improbable.
(41) This is also very improbable because everybody knows slugs stick and probably would not fall.
(42) It is all truly amazing, and highly improbable, given all the ways the system could break down.
(43) Fused, however, they metamorphosed into something that conjured improbable visions.
(44) Lifting the heavy hunks of metal over the chain-link fence seemed improbable and buyers of black-market bronzes are scarce.
(45) We continued to contort our limbs into improbable postures when Vincente was directly overseeing us.
(45) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(46) While the characters flirt with each other in improbable configurations, love, marriage and money come under the microscope.
(47) This improbable though captivating adventure slides neatly from sickly empire to bloody revolution that tears the lovers apart.
(48) The new pay agreement makes further industrial action by the union highly improbable.
(49) Alas, his selection would require an improbable U-turn on the part of the Sassenach segment of the selectors.
(50) An improbable event is one that happens only in one or a few possible worlds.
(51) Found something intriguing, improbable, insane or especially useful on the Net?
(52) What is the force driving matter into ever more complicated, ever more improbable forms?
(53) It's highly improbable that someone would win the lottery twice.
(54) How to account for the improbable mating of a dream and - yes, Bob was probably right - an obsession.
(55) Suddenly, I see a boat weaving its way between the improbable pink granite rocks and I experience both relief and excitement.
(56) At first sight this might seem very improbable, because such smooth regions would be heavily outnumbered by chaotic and irregular regions.
(57) What is more improbable is that the Genetic Supermarket, with its emphasis upon individual choice, will bring this possibility nearer.
(58) The theist can not deny that DNA replication could have come about by an exceedingly improbable chance.
(59) In a phenomenologically complex universe, extremely improbable events are certain to happen.
(60) The Rockets managed an improbable victory in last night's game.
More similar words: improbablyprobableprobable causeprobablyprobabilityimperturbableimpregnablereprobateprobationapprobationprobationaryimproperimprovedimproviseimprovisedproblemimprovementimprovidentimprovisationimpeccableimplacableimpermeableimpalpableprofitableunimpeachableacrobatimpressimprisonprobeimprecise
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