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Implementation in a sentence

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Sentence count:290+3Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: implementorientationpresentationrepresentationelementaryimplicationconfrontationelementMeaning: [‚ɪmplɪmen'teɪʃn]  n. 1. the act of accomplishing some aim or executing some order 2. the act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something); carrying into effect. 
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181. The government offered no special finance for public works, and made no attempt to enforce implementation.
182. It has once again become a leading instrument of government, with responsibility for coordination, planning and implementation and conduct of policy.
183. It is often difficult to make the policy implementation distinction with reference to a service operated by professionals.
184. Timetables for implementation should be established,( setting out specific goals and actions that allow responsibility to be allocated and achievement monitored.
185. It will ship with A/UX 3.0, the new release of the company's implementation of Unix.
186. Added to this are the inefficiencies in the implementation of the decisions of the politician through the bureaucratic process.
187. These later issues will lead naturally into the examination of the implementation process in the next chapter.
188. The scrutiny process as a tight schedule and is in four parts: investigation; action plan; implementation; implementation report.
189. Mac applications should run in an X-Window on any PowerOpen application programming interface-compliant implementation on a PowerPC system.
190. These and other personnel policies will gradually be introduced into all companies via the implementation of updated staff handbooks.
191. Other activities address the development and implementation of guidelines for preventing emerging infectious diseases and the provision of prevention information.
192. The presentation of a complete proposal comprising system design, implementation plan and cost estimates must be made by 31 December 1984.
193. However, many companies find the cost of planning and implementation prohibitive.
194. The managers had to develop both their knowledge and skill in both analysis and implementation.
195. With the first major implementation target met,[] Pearl is turning its attentions to further developments.
196. These may, from time to time, make policy formulation and implementation a complicated business.
197. Here the tribunal is the decision-making instrument chosen by government for the implementation of some scheme of government regulation.
198. Consensys is looking to add a native Motif implementation for those that require it.
199. In a company this is interpreted as the absence of a clear separation between strategy and implementation.
200. The process of inaugurating new policies will continue after the adoption of the policy and will then further affect implementation.
201. They may vary from implementation to implementation.
202. D-BUS is essentially an implementation of inter-process communication (IPC).
203. The implementation of protocol conversion was described.
204. Customer management and project implementation experience.
205. The design of DOOL, the language of the deductive object database, and the implementation of the prototype system based on DOOL are the keys of this diesis.
206. Focus on banks which have multi-protocol conversion module design and implementation of XML.
207. This paper makes a proposal of the design and implementation of the communications protocol in the application layer using the format of binary system and XML b...
208. What specific provisions for the adjustments to tax accounting are given by the Implementation Regulations?
209. The file in Listing 1 is fine for initial development and testing, but the fact is that we've hard-coded the database name and the database product into our implementation.
210. The implementation of School-Based Budgeting System overcomes the dilemma and difficulties in schools' budgeting.
More similar words: implementorientationpresentationrepresentationelementaryimplicationconfrontationelementsettlementenvironmental protectionstatementfinite elementrepresentativeinvitationlimitationmentiontransportationinterpretationrehabilitationnot to mentionprestidigitationrecommendationconcentrationidentificationcommencementmentallymovementbasementemploymentplacement
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