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Illumination in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+3Posted:2017-04-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: clarificationelucidationilluminancelightminiatureSimilar words: illuminationsilluminatingilluminateilluminatedruminationhallucinationnominationdominationMeaning: [ɪ‚luːmɪ'neɪʃn]  n. 1. a condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination 2. the degree of visibility of your environment 3. an interpretation that removes obstacles to understanding 4. the luminous flux incident on a unit area 5. painting or drawing included in a book (especially in illuminated medieval manuscripts). 
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(151) Based on this principle, illumination distribution measurement experiments of flashlight cast system are done.
(152) Besides transmission and reflection illuminating, illumination system can also illuminated in inclined ray.
(153) In a photographic emulsion or coating, the chemical response produced by exposure to illumination.
(154) The solid state may the long time preservation, the ferruginous vessel maintain to the soybean isoflavones activeness advantageous, the long time illumination urges the isoflavones activeness weaken.
(155) The principle of oblique illumination for improving photolithographic resolution and increasing depth of focus is presented with partially coherent theory.
(156) He had all the illumination of wisdom and none of its pedantry.
(157) The main contents of experiment were as follows:Dark reaction and blank experiment made out, simple photocatalyst or simple illumination can neither proceed photocatalytic oxidation reaction.
(158) Power consumption of illumination accounts for a considerable proportion of the total power consumption.
(159) With the ceiling droplight gives priority to illuminant on illume, complementary offer illumination for local space with the desk lamp of the head of a bed.
(160) An apparatus for optical body analysis is built with an illumination and detection head, and an optical coupler.
(161) Particles in Brownian motion can often be seen in colloids under special conditions of illumination.
(162) This method uses at least two light sensor measurements to derive information concerning both the ambient light levels and the illumination source output level for known drive conditions.
(163) The International System unit of illumination, equal to one lumen per square meter.
(164) Realize the illumination of class structure and the implement of each module.
(164) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(165) Structured light illumination with pseudo-random code is applied to the system. Each interest point on scene surface can be identified exclusively according to window property of pseudo-random array.
(166) The building interior is spacious with zenithal illumination, assuring great flexibility in the layout.
(167) The design of the illumination system and optoelectronic spectrograph are introduced in detail.
(168) The flowering time and the ornamental character of the late flowering calliopsis could be significantly affected by the treatment of illumination.
(169) The visibility of the lunar formations depends on their illumination by the sun.
(170) Also the design and the computationthe illumination and the anti-radar earth protection disposition.
(171) The growth trend of aeruginosa in raw water was studied under various conditions of illumination.
(172) Owing to the effect of the high temperature, complex illumination and bad-imaging environment, there are a lot of difficulties in real-time automatic character recognition at ends of steel billet.
(173) Illumination system is a main part in liquid crystal projection display system, and is important to color fidelity and other performance of a projector.
(174) The forms of N supply, external potassium supply, illumination and the infection of parasitic plant all affect the cycling and recycling of potassium.
(175) The influence of melting ambience, illumination time and heat treatment temperature on photosensitive of photoactive glass ceramic were studied. The samples were analyzed by XRD and SEM.
(176) The fourth part regards the Assize of Novel Deseisin as an exemplar, makes brief illumination for development and accomplishment of early royal writs or actions of form.
(177) The low Sun illumination also highlights ridges, valleys, and chains of craters radiating away from Vivaldi.
(178) Adaptive thresholding can result in better marker detection across a range of illumination.
(179) TLB Terminal Strip terminal Block The TLB series suits the illumination industry and the industry control use.
(180) Before she ended, her face had its full illumination of fun.
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