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Illumination in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+3Posted:2017-04-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: clarificationelucidationilluminancelightminiatureSimilar words: illuminationsilluminatingilluminateilluminatedruminationhallucinationnominationdominationMeaning: [ɪ‚luːmɪ'neɪʃn]  n. 1. a condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination 2. the degree of visibility of your environment 3. an interpretation that removes obstacles to understanding 4. the luminous flux incident on a unit area 5. painting or drawing included in a book (especially in illuminated medieval manuscripts). 
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(181) So a new method to limit the facula was presented to improve illumination efficiency of light - pipe .
(182) Therefore, the quality of lighting can be improved tremendously if the efforts can be done early in the candela distribution during the LED illumination design.
(183) Measured in bits per second per square meter, it is a gauge of "data intensity" in much the same way that lumens per square meter determines the illumination intensity of a light fixture.
(184) Yes, all my illusions will burn into illumination of joy, and all my desires ripen into fruits of love.
(185) Its new, professional, super - large - power illumination system can create a thick orange atmosphere for night skiers.
(186) Experimental results show that the method can not only access the homomorphic filter parameters quickly and accurately, but also achieve illumination compensation of color image more effectively.
(187) My former had also studied the illumination system and many methods in image processing.
(188) Now, our main topics include top illumination OPV device, high open-circuit voltage (VOC) and high efficiency OPV device, tandem, and bi-functional OPV device.
(189) The annular lens field vertical illumination system has been more and more applied in special microscopes.
(190) The practical application shows that the system is safe and reliable, and has high illumination intensity and long service-life. The system has been applied for the patent of invention.
(191) UV illumination induced the oxidative impairment of fluoranthene to nauplii. Peroxidase (POD) was more sensitive than superoxide dismutase (SOD) to photo-induced toxicity of fluoranthene.
(192) Direct Current Injection as a substitute for direct illumination of the missile in free space is assessed on the basis of results.
(193) The display program can adjust the angle of view, display mode, background color and illumination, etc.
(194) No light is wasted and the light illumination efficiency is increased by 100 % to 150 %.
(195) The effects on the contrast of the LCLV projecting system, such as the LCLV driving signal voltage, frequency,[] duty cycle and the display screen illumination were analyzed.
(196) To deal with variations in the scene's illumination, a template updating algorithm based on a particle filter was adopted.
(197) It is essential for realizing color constancy to acquire color descriptors that are not affected by illumination and geometry conditions.
(198) The seismometer pattern layout design with illumination analysis can avoid the errors from hypothesis of homogeneous media in its conventional system design.
(199) They had white or white yellow shoots under low temperature and intensity of illumination, respectively.
(200) Therefore, when the endoscope is used for illumination, softer and diffused light rays can exist, when the luminous source is used as the illuminating lamp, better brightness can exist.
(201) Methods The overlap illumination therapy was adopted in the 134 patients with furuncle and phyma, with the different dose of red spot.
(202) The condition of illumination had a great effect on the multiplication and regeneration of tufty buds.
(203) Our company specializes in producing electronic ballasts of efficiency fluorescent illumination products.
(204) The results showed that illumination affected the growth rate and resistance of Azolla against black rot disease, both of which were lower under weak light (Tables 1,2).
(205) The device has the advantages of long service life, high light emission efficiency and stable light output, and can meet the illumination requirement for backlight source of LCD device, etc.
(206) Otherwise, due to the complexity of the inside illumination of the patient's body, the result depends on the ability of brightness control.
(207) Frequently it has a hinged glass cover to hold copy flat, and may have a removable section in which a transparency holder can be positioned for back-lighting illumination.
(208) This then enables the display device to be controlled taking into account the ambient light level and taking into account the output characteristics of the illumination source.
(209) A seven-year-old might miss every nuance of Kubla Khan orOzymandias — but, learnt young, the poems will stay in the head for life, adding lustre to the good moments and illumination in the bad.
(210) There are many factors that cause the characters segmentation task difficult, such as image noise, plate frame, rivet, space mark, plate rotation and illumination variance.
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