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Ileum in a sentence

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Sentence count:57Posted:2017-02-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: petroleumpile upmuseumcolosseumdouble upgobble upbundle uprheumatismMeaning: ['ɪlɪəm]  n. the part of the small intestine between the jejunum and the cecum. 
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1. Similar ultrastructural features were present in the ileum and colon, with the most noticeable abnormalities present in the muscularis propria.
2. In particular, the terminal ileum seems to have an important role in the regulation of small intestinal transit.
3. The rectum, sigmoid colon, and terminal ileum seem to be particularly at risk from pelvic radiotherapy.
4. There is reflux of barium into the terminal ileum.
5. The lymphatic capillary networks and lymphatics of the ileum and the vermiform appendix may directly communicate with those of the cecum.
6. The ileocecal valve and terminal ileum are usually dilated rather than stenosed.
7. Ileum: Final and longest segment of the small intestine. It is the site of absorption of vitamin B12 (see vitamin B complex ) and reabsorption of about 90% of conjugated Bile salts.
8. The hindgut consists of pylorus, ileum and rectal. The structure of the ileum is different from rectal.
9. A small portion of terminal ileum appears at the right.
10. Colonoscopy showed total colitis with superficial ulceration and oedematous polypoid mucosa extending into the terminal ileum.
11. Four patients with clinically active Crohn's disease of the terminal ileum were also studied.
12. Neurones in the myenteric plexus were not identified in the colon and were sparse and appeared degenerate in the appendix and ileum.
13. At necropsy the carcass has a dehydrated appearance and there is an enteritis in the ileum.
14. Four specimens were from the jejunum and 11 from terminal ileum or ascending colon.
15. Distal small bowel lesions may also be shown by reflux at barium enema or by entering the terminal ileum at colonoscopy.
16. More than 95% of the bile acids are then reabsorbed, the major portion by active uptake in the distal ileum.
17. Conclusion:The reason for the obstruction at the anastomosis after definitive right hemicolectomy for enterocutaneous fistula of the terminal ileum was prolonged diversion preoperatively.
18. OBJECTIVE To investigate and compare the effect of different extracts of Tussilago farara L. on the contraction of isolated ileum of guinea pig.
19. The tumor was histopathologically an ovarian endometrioma invading the serosa of the ileum(, and it resulted in intestinal mucosal tearing to bleed.
20. Methods Endoscopic observation and mucosal biopsies graft through the terminal ileum enterostomy were carried out.
21. Methods Endoscopic observation and mucosal biopsies of the graft through the terminal ileum enterostomy were carried out.
22. Objective: to approach the application value of prophylactic terminal ileum stoma in the low-set rectal cancer protected anus operation.
23. Pathology revealed air cysts in submucosa and some cases in subserosa. They mainly located at jejunum, ileum, cecum and ascending colon.
24. Objective:To study the operative methods and clinical outcome of laparoscopic vaginoplasty using ileum segement.
25. Result: Megaarpaea delavyi Franch can obviously accelerate push movement of rat small intestine, swell guinea pig shrink power of excursive ileum flesh, and unable arouse strong straight contraction.
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26. E. stigmosa parasitized mainly in the epithelial cells of jejunum, ileum, ceca, and rectum from middles to tops of villi, and resulted in mild histopathological changes.
27. Objective To approach clinical features of ulcerative diseases of terminal ileum.
28. Location of the olulus: The olulus occurs between the proximal jejunum and the distal ileum.
29. The ileocecal valve is edematous and irregular, whereas the terminal ileum is spared.
30. At laparotomy, duodenal dverticulitis and one enterolith obstructing the distal ileum were found.
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