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Idyllic in a sentence

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Sentence count:81+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-10-11Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: pastoralSimilar words: illicitsubsidyalliedcall inall in allfill infillippull inMeaning: [aɪ'dɪlɪk /ɪ'd-]  adj. 1. excellent and delightful in all respects 2. suggestive of an idyll; charmingly simple and serene. 
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1 It appears to be an idyllic domestic set-up.
2 Rosie's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents' marriage broke up.
3 Country life isn't as idyllic as townies imagine.
4 Don't you think that sounds idyllic?
5 Their cottage is in an idyllic rural setting.
6 They live in an idyllic country/thatched cottage, with roses round the door.
7 The painting depicts an idyllic pastoral scene of shepherds watching over their grazing sheep.
8 If you want old-world tradition in an idyllic setting, this is the hotel for you.
9 The cottage sounds idyllic.
10 Muriel thought it idyllic, but Amelia was bored.
11 As well they might; the new campus was idyllic.
12 It is altogether a very charming, Idyllic setting.
13 Vermont, by contrast, was pastoral and idyllic.
14 The day was idyllic, with clear blue skies and temperatures up in the shirt-sleeves.
15 Like souvenirs from an idyllic past they being a narrative of a journey from innocence to experience.
16 Let us now look back from this idyllic scene and discover the implications.
17 So, slowly,( the memories of their idyllic times together had faded.
18 This idyllic feeling of romance seemed too much like a temporary state, a schoolboy rite of passage.
19 This is the idyllic part of a transformation which had far harsher sides.
20 She remembers her early childhood in the village of Chakowa as idyllic.
21 Everyone involved in the filming has enjoyed working in such idyllic surroundings.
22 But the stark reality of the Highland scene described reminds me of another idyllic circumstance that went the rounds about this time.
23 Luxury accommodation, exciting destinations, quality, service and flexibility. 84-pages of exceptional value in idyllic surroundings.
24 Later they hosted a reception for 75 guests in idyllic surroundings.
25 Indeed, it would seem almost sacrilegious to introduce anything unnatural into this idyllic setting.
26 Other tavernas stray across the beach to the water's edge offering idyllic surroundings and cool wine instead.
27 She told me she left him the day after Lew Edwards and I paid a curious visit to idyllic Acra.
28 Pine trees line the road, fields are overgrown and idyllic cottages sit snug in the forests.
29 He envisaged combining farming and family life with military service in idyllic rural settlements.
30 Ahead of us, the ledge widens and the walls of the gorge flare out, framing an idyllic, enchanted scene.
More similar words: illicitsubsidyalliedcall inall in allfill infillippull inroll inclicksliceAlicemillionalliancenullifyfall intobillionrollingfeel likepublicpolicepolicygarliccompellingsatellitefall in lovebrilliantlicensefulfillingimplicit
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