Synonym: as yet, heretofore, so far, thus far, til now, until now, up to now, yet. Similar words: whither, refer to, overtone, cater to, in order to, repertoire, mother tongue, amphitheater. Meaning: [‚haɪ(r)'tuː]
adv. used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time.

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1. A hitherto unthinkable question was asked.
2. Mira revealed hitherto unsuspected talents on the cricket pitch.
3. Her life hitherto had been devoid of adventure.
4. Hitherto he had experienced no great success in his attempt.
5. There are proposals to phrase out the hitherto separate Department of Economic Geography.
6. The polytechnics have hitherto been at an unfair disadvantage in competing for pupils and money.
7. He was sentenced to a hitherto unheard-of seven life terms in prison.
8. French astronomers have found a hitherto unknown galaxy.
9. Budragchaagiyn Dash-Yondon, hitherto party chair, was elected as secretary-general.
10. Hitherto acceptable norms of human conduct do not apply.
11. Edenderry, hitherto a small village in the parish of Seagoe, became officially part of Portadown in 1840.
12. As such, it has not hitherto constituted a particularly significant form of protest either numerically or politically.
13. Moreover by the 1750s the provincial parlements, hitherto relatively inactive, were increasingly following the lead of that of Paris.
14. But the wealthy businessmen who hitherto have been his best customers are counting their change these days.
15. Their refusal to acknowledge the hitherto unfair rating of widows, widowers and single people.
16. Hitherto the instrumental approach to law has been criticized as inadequate to provide a coherent explanation for contradictory tendencies in legal developments.
17. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
18. With the new equipment we will be able to accomplish hitherto impossible tasks.
19. She discovered a world of parties and pleasure she had hitherto only known by hearsay.
20. I was no longer satisfied with the life that had hitherto contented me.
21. The Commission expresses its anxiety that the proposed syllabus in the revised music curriculum allows less time than hitherto for choral music.
22. The creation of these two kingdoms seems quite anomalous at the earlier conquest phase, as has hitherto been assumed.
23. But in terms of actual control, we have forsworn many other areas where hitherto we sought to control by centralized edict.
24. Desiderius responded to the Pope by raising an army and seizing Sinigaglia and Urbino, hitherto papal cities.
25. Not long afterwards, I shut down my account and transferred the business to another hitherto dormant account.
26. Adjustment to their customers' needs compelled them to establish an international presence that had hitherto been unnecessary.
27. Certainly the change in legislation is unlikely to provoke a sudden rush of hitherto tied farm workers from the industry.
28. On a far more extensive scale than we have done hitherto, we must help refugees in their own and neighbouring countries.
29. Ceremonial and precedence notably lost most of the power to agitate rulers and governments which they had hitherto possessed.
30. As capital has become more powerful, it has also sought to dissolve other local monopolies that have hitherto been immune.
More similar words: whither, refer to, overtone, cater to, in order to, repertoire, mother tongue, amphitheater, amphitheatre, run counter to, hit, shit, quarto, sort out, cartoon, near to, carton, hitch, white, start off, suharto, prior to, blurt out, start on, whiten, hitler, report on, tortoise, hit it off, whittle.