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Harmonize in a sentence

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Sentence count:62+2Posted:2016-10-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accordagreechordconcordconsortfit inharmonisereconcileSimilar words: harmoniousharmonyagonizesynchronizehormoneorganizecharmorganizedMeaning: ['hɑrmənaɪz /'hɑːm-]  v. 1. go together 2. write a harmony for 3. sing or play in harmony 4. bring into consonance or relate harmoniously 5. bring into consonance or accord 6. bring into consonance, harmony, or accord while making music or singing. 
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31 Miss Keeldar and her uncle had characters that would not harmonize - that never had harmonized.
32 EIA was a scientific method to harmonize economy, society and environment.
33 This text puts forward in acquaint with with harmonize relevantly of related theories foundation harmonious degree and the oil ground relation the diapason a theories.
34 It would be sensible if we could harmonize our plans ( with yours ).
35 How, in medical practice, can the mediatory role of morals be brought about so as to harmonize the doctor-patient relationship ?
36 Document delivery services harmonize the contradiction between library's document resources and user's needs for documents, through utilizing document resources within a wider range.
37 Actually I think that the coloratura vocalism in Bel canto is a kind of pursue in vocalism sound good harmonize beautiful voice with sensibility.
38 The colors of your coat, hat and muffler should harmonize.
39 In order to harmonize the divarication of developed countries and developing countries in the restrictive clause, the international society has tried times.
40 In the same way, Taoism and Marcuse offer us a guiding principle which man can follow to harmonize his relations with nature and to solve ecological danger.
41 To popularize ecological knowledge; To harmonize the relationship between human and nature.
42 Do these colours go well together ( ie harmonize with each other )?
43 His temperament does not harmonize with a slow, even pace of life.
44 So, in order to harmonize the elongation coefficient of web and flange and to avoid the rolling defects, The reduction ratio of flange should be larger than that of web.
45 Warm accents harmonize with the neutral - tone of the furniture in the house.
46 Red Glass Beads - Increase human relationship, to harmonize things, stable career.
47 However, human beings and network can harmonize each other and make common progress by appropriate adjustment and control.
48 In a collaborative learning environment or system, learners and tutors need some collaborative and controlling means to harmonize their learning actions.
49 This paper expounds the central position of majordomo in project from the base diathesis and the capability of integrated management and harmonize, which a majordomo for project should have.
50 Therefore , the first task for the reform of the general adoption of the market principle in China is to adjust and harmonize the social economic relations.
51 Where willows harmonize the wind And green hills lighten the cares of the world.
52 The international system is a congeries of overlapping public and private institutions without clear mandates, ease of coordination or a single "conductor" to harmonize activities.
53 Let him leave the house, if he imagines he will not harmonize with its young mistress.
54 The Land Consolidation Projects is very important to make use of the glebe, harmonize the relation between the population and the glebe.
55 Harmonize the relationship between the members or departments in the company.
56 Clarify the responsibility and the right of existing company's document. Harmonize various systems with standardized system.
57 The colours do not seem to harmonize with each other at all.
58 The singing teacher teaches them to harmonize the new song.
59 An effective remunerative impellent mechanism can harmonize the target of managers with that of stock holders and make managers realize the enterprises maximized value.
60 Multidisciplinary design optimization methodology has the capability to manage design information and harmonize several optimization processes.
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