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Fruits in a sentence

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Sentence count:279+12Posted:2017-05-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: fruitfruityfruitionfruitfulfruitlessjackfruitgrapefruitcitrus fruit
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151. We could order meals from outside and buy fresh fruits, candies, and toiletries.
152. Heather from flours and dried fruits was standing in the gap between two aisles.
153. The many mouth-watering desserts of Touraine are based on fruits.
154. Evolutionary reconstructions suggest that all the citrus fruits were derived from crosses between four different species.
155. The 25 varieties include: apricot, strawberry, orange extra marmalade and four berry fruits.
156. It is a vigorous climber bearing masses of exotic flowers followed by yellow, plum-like fruits.
157. You have to accept responsibility for the fruits of your actions, in the scientific field as elsewhere.
158. The pact is widely seen as one of the environmental fruits of glasnost in the Soviet Union.
159. Matriline coalitions also utilize secondary food sources such as leaves and unripe fruits and the species have digestive mechanisms for detoxifying the latter.
160. On Tobago, the fruits of the tree species had significantly more thickened layers and higher frequencies of multiple seeds and so on.
161. The first 3O minute tape focuses on 13 exotic fruits, suggesting the listener touch and smell them.
162. Jack grows a variety of fruits and vegetables in the garden.
163. Vitamin C is readily available in citrus fruits and green peppers.
164. To be happy you must have taken the measure of your powers, tasted the fruits of your passion, and learned your place in the world. George Santayana 
165. Garnish with tropical fruits and sauteed wild mushrooms, if desired.
166. The governments there will welcome the fruits of your labours because they can not provide those fruits for themselves.
167. The fruits were infected by a fungus disease called brown rot.
168. With fingers stained and mouths puckered and purple, our memories of indulgently consuming these succulent fruits are almost sinful.
169. If you are determined to cultivate fruits, then the safest bets are berry bushes and nut trees.
170. Stir gently to distribute the fruits and break down any ice crystals.
171. Fruits like oranges and kiwis have lots of vitamin C.
172. Make sure that all canes of raspberries, blackberries and other fruits are tied in securely to prevent breakage and chafing.
173. The citron has the most beautiful fragrance of all the citrus fruits and its pith is not
174. This is our economic argument: a path to personal enrichment from the fruits of economic progress more widely shared.
175. Anyone worried that citrus fruits are too acid will be relieved to learn that they become alkaline during digestion.
176. Banana plants still indicate the presence of bananas even if the actual fruits are out of sight.
177. Vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, cheeses, meats, even fruits have found their way between freshly made pasta wrappers.
178. They had picked over discarded fruits and vegetables evenings under Park Avenue Bridge, cooking over Sterno stoves.
179. Also available are 18 fresh fruits, 22 types of breads and 20 different beverages.
180. Vitamin C , found in citrus fruits, prevents scurvy.
More similar words: fruitfruityfruitionfruitfulfruitlessjackfruitgrapefruitcitrus fruitbruitrecruitrecruitercongruityincongruityrecruitmentfrugalfructifyusufructfrustratefrugalityfrustratedruinfrustratinginfructuousfrustrationbruinruinsbruiseruinedtruismcruise
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