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Freshman in a sentence

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Sentence count:166+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: seniorSimilar words: thresholdin the shape offreefree offreezefreelyaccomplishmentestablishmentMeaning: ['freʃmən]  n. 1. a first-year undergraduate 2. any new participant in some activity. adj. used of a person in the first year of an experience (especially in United States high school or college). 
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1. He's a freshman at Harvard.
2. Jack decided to live in during his freshman year at college.
3. It is quite unusual for a freshman to be younger than eighteen or older than nineteen.
4. Fran just finished her freshman year in college.
5. He transferred to UCLA after his freshman year.
6. Are you going to the freshman mixer?
7. An annual freshman icebreaker called "Dickerella," in which women and men pair off for trips to a local burger Joint named Dick's, has become a farce.
8. An annual freshman icebreaker called " Dickerella, " in which women and men pair off for trips to a local burger Joint ...
9. Greg and Jody met in their freshman year at college and married soon after they graduated.
10. Stacy is a small, thin, unsmiling freshman.
11. Pretty heady stuff for a freshman....
12. Only one Democrat on the committee, freshman Rep.
12. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
13. Davis played sparingly during his freshman season.
14. Charles, a freshman, lives on campus.
15. Dear Help Wanted: I am a college freshman.
16. John Shadegg, an Arizona Republican freshman.
17. Son Scott, 19(, is a freshman at Bates College.
18. Tuesday evening after talking with fellow freshman Rep.
19. Cal freshman center Michael Stewart answers to Yogi.
20. My freshman year, the presentation was not good.
21. After his freshman year of high school, Sean and his family moved to another city.
22. Chris remembers his freshman year at UCLA as if it were yesterday.
23. All freshman have to take at least one composition course.
24. Of course, Horcher, a freshman with less than six months of service, would undergo a change of his own.
25. One night during the summer after my freshman year, the phone rang while I was reading.
26. Faith was one of the few people in the class willing to befriend a new freshman.
27. A new post of vice chairman was created, and freshman Sen.
28. When asked how his constituents were dealing with the crisis, freshman Rep.
29. He was a senior at the University of Minnesota, she was a freshman.
30. I first witnessed the phenomenon at a huge pentecostal rally I attended as a college freshman.
More similar words: thresholdin the shape offreefree offreezefreelyaccomplishmentestablishmentset freefrequentaccomplishmentsestablishment offrequencyfree fromfrequentlyschadenfreudemanmanymany awomandemandas manyhumanRomanmandateGermanmannermanualmanageas a man
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