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Foliage in a sentence

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Sentence count:226+4Posted:2016-12-25Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: foliationleafleafageSimilar words: verbiageportfoliodiagnosediagnosisdiagnosesfoldfolkunfoldMeaning: ['fəʊlɪɪdʒ]  n. 1. the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants 2. (architecture) leaf-like architectural ornament. 
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121. Pink two-tone blossom over very nice variegated foliage. Semiminiature.
122. Pollution has stripped the trees of their foliage.
123. The cottage was smothered in green foliage.
124. Different foliage colour deviants are readily found.
125. Zinc is generally caustic to foliage.
126. The foliage was in its utmost luxuriance.
127. Gorillas construct nests out of foliage every night to sack out.
128. Main Components: foliage antidandruff cream, natural olive cream, silk-fibroin, vitamin B5,( NMF and etc.
129. Urea is commonly used as the source of nitrogen in foliage sprays.
130. The reflection of burnt orange foliage of bald cypress trees along the Frio River in Texas' Garner State Park caught my attention at sunup in November 2009.
131. The transgenic foliage consumed by insects induced the increase of larval mortality, and decrease of larval wet weight gain, faecal output, pupal weight and egg deposition.
132. European goosefoot with strong - scented foliage; adventive in eastern North America.
133. They found that the winter foliage in their new land was somewhat different, so they added mountain laurel and pine to the holly and the ivy.
134. The lush foliage, bright leaves, strong adaptability of Euonymus kiautschovicus Loes that is high demand in landscaping in Taiyuan.
135. Modern rose gardens favour the shrubbier rose, over the long-legged Hybrid Tea, which was low on foliage.
136. Asiatic banana plant cultivated especially as a foliage plant in Japan.
137. Leaves, leafage In fall(, I like to visit the mountains because the foliage there changes into such vivid colors.
138. The hometown abounds with the big banyan with luxuriant foliage and spreading branches.
139. High overhead , the tall trees there made a continuous roof of foliage.
140. Enjoying the coolness under their foliage, I would gaze up into the sky –"Lost in a trance, staring heavenwards ", as a popular singer crooned.
141. Objective : To investigate the effects of Lactuca sativa foliage juice ( LSFJ ) on in vitro smooth muscle.
142. Isaza remembered the stories he'd been told of the Colombian military torturing and killing rebel deserters. "Old-timer, don't abandon me, " he said as he shrank into the foliage.
143. Consider Assyria, once a cedar in Lebanon, with beautiful branches toweredabove the thick foliage.
144. With the autumn foliage in the background, a group paddle their sinking fishing boat to shore at Cottonwood Lake, near Buena Vista, Colo. on Tuesday, Sept. 29.
145. Foliage and other aboveground parts of plants by means of a sprayer.
146. A unique navel orange variety. Full-sized , seedless fruit has flavorful, juicy, deep pink flesh. Attractive, medium -sized shrub has deep green foliage. self-fertile.
147. The freshly green foliage looked sickly, the dogwood pallid, and the flowering crab, so beautifully pink a moment ago, faded and dreary.
148. Fernlike foliage and mottled wood used in cabinetry and veneering.
149. Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded from male adults of Melanoplus sanguinipes to foliage odours from plam species and 9 volatile compounds as well as their blends.
150. Lovely double blossoms of bright rose to fuchsia. Dark symmetrical foliage . Miniature.
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