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Firemen in a sentence

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Sentence count:182+12Posted:2017-01-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: retirementrequirementincrementtremendousincrementalmeasurementcommencementfired
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121, The bowling alley fire in a neighboring town that killed five firemen when my father was deputy fire chief.
122, My daughter was rescued safely, and I am very grateful to the firemen.
123, It took firemen wearing breathing apparatus nearly two hours to bring the blaze under control.
124, Firemen found more than a dozen incendiary devices in the offices near Borden, Hants, used by scientists to study squirrels.
125, Three hundred firemen and 400 policemen raced to the Hofburg after a smoke detector set off the alarm soon after midnight.
126, Rachel, perfectly dignified in her dressing-gown, made the firemen cups of tea.
127, The crowd cheered when the roof fell in, while firemen lifted no finger or hose through it all.
128, Both injured firemen were treated for slight wounds at Northampton General Hospital.
129, Piglets saved: Cleveland firemen wearing breathing apparatus saved 120 piglets during a farm blaze at Carlin How.
130, Ten firemen were in hospital with a mystery illness last night.
131, The middle aged man was pulled from the slurry tank by firemen.
132, I remember thinking that if I had been trapped in the car, the firemen would not have reached me in time.
133, Despite valiant efforts, firemen were unable to save the house.
134, By the time the firemen arrived the whole house was in flames.
135, Firemen originally thought that workmen who are refurbishing the building were trapped inside, but everyone was eventually accounted for.
136, Firemen wearing breathing apparatus found the woman in the kitchen.
137, The whole block was completely destroyed just over a week ago in a fire that claimed the lives of two firemen.
138, One firemen was slightly injured after slipping on the roof.
139, Firemen wearing breathing apparatus fought the blaze which extensively damaged the house.
140, The couple turned up at Richmond station and a firemen cut them free with a hacksaw.
141, A police officers' strike on May 21 was followed by similar action by firemen and customs officers.
142, Lin cried in anguish as the firemen looked for her sons.
143, The firemen tried to stop the flames from spreading,( but it was hopeless.
144, Firemen waded through waist-high water to pluck 50 more to safety.
145, The flames beat back the firemen.
146, The heavy smoke stifled the firemen.
147, The firemen are ready to go into action.
148, The day disaster against. the firemen. refuel!
149, The firemen splintered the locked door with an ax.
150, Soon firemen were hurrying westwards.
More similar words: retirementrequirementincrementtremendousincrementalmeasurementcommencementfiredon firefire upcatch fireset fire toremedySupremeextremefirefighterrememberextremelyfirst and foremostsupreme courtpremeditatedclementelementmovementatonementvehementbasementelementsamusementagreement
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