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Finish in a sentence

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Sentence count:172+77Posted:2016-09-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: ceaseclosecompleteconcludeendperfectpolishrefinestopterminateAntonym: begincommencestartSimilar words: finish upfinish withdiminishvanishpunishaffinityclownishSpanishMeaning: ['fɪnɪʃ]  n. 1. a decorative texture or appearance of a surface (or the substance that gives it that appearance) 2. designated event that concludes a contest (especially a race) 3. the act of finishing 4. the place designated as the end (as of a race or journey) 5. the temporal end; the concluding time 6. (wine tasting) the taste of a wine on the back of the tongue (as it is swallowed) 7. event whose occurrence ends something 8. the downfall of someone (as of persons on one side of a conflict) 9. a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality. v. 1. come or bring to a finish or an end 2. finally be or do something 3. have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical 4. provide with a finish 5. finish eating all the food on one's plate or on the table 6. cause to finish a relationship with somebody. 
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91) What time do you finish work?
92) The interview was sheer torture from start to finish.
93) The finish and workmanship of the woodwork was excellent.
94) Try and finish the work by, let's say, Friday.
95) We must finish our work against Saturday.
96) This varnish provides a long-lasting and hard-wearing gloss finish.
97) The hunter moved in to finish the animal off.
98) They've been told to finish the job by tomorrow.
99) Come on, finish up your drinks!
100) With help we will finish all the sooner.
101) He gives the last finish to the table.
102) I estimated that I should finish in ten days.
103) I'll add a few words when you finish.
104) Do we have to finish this today?
105) Can you finish the work by five o'clock/tomorrow/next Monday?
106) The story was a lie from start to finish.
107) He undertook to finish the job by Friday.
108) I hadn't time to finish my homework.
109) Can you finish the work by five o'clock?
110) We'll need outside help before we can finish.
111) We had hoped to finish by four o'clock.
112) The meeting was a fiasco from start to finish.
113) He did his best to finish the task.
114) Stop messing with the spoon and finish your breakfast.
115) The paint is available in matt or gloss finish.
116) She'll finish the race or die in the attempt.
117) Run along now! I've got work to finish.
118) He was in the lead from start to finish.
119) I rushed around manically[],( trying to finish the housework.
120) They promise to finish the job in June, but can they deliver ?
More similar words: finish upfinish withdiminishvanishpunishaffinityclownishSpanishministryministerfeministdefinitivedefinitiondefinitelyastonishedadministerfinite elementastonishmentadministratoradministrativeadministrationfinefinddefinefind outfingerfinallyfinancepenisfinancial
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