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Far in a sentence

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Sentence count:273+67Posted:2016-07-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: a great dealdistantmuchremoteremovedAntonym: closecloselynearnearlySimilar words: par.barcarfanfarefarmforfurMeaning: [fɑr /fɑː]  n. a terrorist organization that seeks to overthrow the government dominated by Tutsi and to institute Hutu control again. adj. 1. at a great distance in time or space or degree 2. being of a considerable distance or length 3. being the animal or vehicle on the right or being on the right side of an animal or vehicle 4. beyond a norm in opinion or actions. adv. 1. to a considerable degree; very much 2. at or to or from a great distance in space 3. at or to a certain point or degree 4. remote in time 5. to an advanced stage or point. 
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151 You'll snap that ruler if you bend it too far.
152 He faces the toughest test of his leadership so far.
153 Far too many football supporters tried to jam into the small ground.
154 The rational and the irrational complement each other. Individually, they are far less powerful.
155 It is far easier to parry a direct blow than to stop it forcibly.
156 CDs would be far cheaper to produce without the glossy packaging.
157 So far I have had no luck with finding a job.
158 He who sees other's faults is ever irritable, the corruptions of such as one grows. He is far from the destruction of the corruptions.
159 I've digressed a little to explain the situation so far, so let me now recap.
160 The carpenter extended the measuring tape as far as it would go.
161 How far the president will be able to translate his campaign rhetoric into action remains to be seen.
162 There's far more to be said - I've only had time to scratch the surface in this talk.
163 Shielding his eyes from the bright light, he looked far out to sea to watch for the ship's arrival.
164 He is rather far away, but if you shout, he may hear you.
165 So near yet so far(, we can be beside each other yet our hearts apart.
166 Statistics show that far more people are able to ride a bicycle than can drive a car.
167 Clare and David Astor are sketching a view of far Spanish hills.
168 The collar was far too tight and chafed her neck.
169 To you,sweetheart,with all my love.There's someone who loves you far more than you know with a love that keeps growing as days come and go.Have a very happy birthday!
170 The plane has been kept in service far longer than originally intended.
171 It was very noble of you to go so far to take him home.
172 By this time, the disease was too far advanced to be treated.
173 I'll go with him as far as the bus stop.
174 I have only ever seen as far as the next valley, and have no idea what lies beyond.
175 As far as I can remember, it begins with M.
176 All the evidence collected so far points to robbery as the motive of the crime.
177 There is no objection, as far as we are concerned[], in raising the prices.
178 Gold retains its lustre for far longer than other metals.
179 She's overstepped the mark in trying to change.Change was all very well but it could be carried too far.
180 Up to now,I've read as far as the fifth chapter,the second volume of "The War and Peace".
More similar words: par.barcarfanfarefarmforfurjarwarairarmartasatbadbanbarebarnbatbaycabcancapcardcarecartdaddamday
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