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Exist in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+16Posted:2017-01-04Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: beliveoccurprevailstandSimilar words: existingpreexisttaxi standaxisexitMexicanflexibledyslexiaMeaning: [ɪg'zɪst]  v. 1. have an existence, be extant 2. support oneself. 
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151 Where that popular base does not exist such laws are only imposed on the population with great difficulty, if at all.
152 A recent poll found that more young people believe in UFOs than believe Social Security will exist when they retire.
153 Because of this decentralization of services and businesses, few convenient residential areas exist for those who lack transportation.
154 The Product must already exist and must have been registered.
155 The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
156 Atheists are people who think for themselves and defenders of reason, and their conviction that God does not exist is making a significant contribution to the development of thinking,[] rational and open- minded people. Dr T.P.Chia 
157 But Tisaby, while acknowledging that such witnesses exist, said it was unclear what they saw.
158 To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly. Henri Bergson 
159 There are so many clients, peace should exist among friends.
160 We know they exist, but how do they affect the reasoning process?
161 Having made this assessment, the marketer should be aware of the potential problems which exist in communication within different cultures.
162 Children who are very passive and uncommunicative should alert us to the possibility that problems exist in the life of the family.
163 Hard data on the degree of protection afforded by the homoeopathic remedies, therefore, does not exist.
164 A problem-free life does not exist. If your life has no problems, you are not truly alive, and that's a big problem! RVM 
165 As though I did not exist; as though it were an automaton who cleared brambles and counted magpies.
166 In such leaders, competence, vision, and virtue exist in nearly perfect balance.
167 Nomatterhow ethereal they may seem, they do not exist in a timeless limbo but possess determinate antecedents in time and space.
168 Unless these exist in some measure it becomes virtually impossible to continue any social activity.
169 They are not semi active just because they exist in you in your background knowledge.
170 You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not existFriedrich Nietzsche 
171 The notion that an enzyme might exist in a number of forms decided purely on probability is anathema to many scientists.
172 Anyone can exist. Most fools do. It takes guts to truly live. RVM 
173 Signs exist to make driving safer, not to keep the regional council amused.
174 Opportunities exist in University departments and research institutes, in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries and medicine.
175 Scientists have no need to explore the internal logic of the consciousness of matter simply because it does not exist.
176 To live with faith, eliminate fear. Only one can exist in our life at any point of time. RVM 
177 Plans exist to extend the list of short courses to business studies, geography, history, media studies and home economics.
178 The establishment of a new academic library often affords an insight into the way collections measure up to such standards as exist.
179 Then J.J. Thomson showed that these atoms of charge exist; we call them electrons.
180 Cross-cultural differences are difficult to research even though anyone who works in different cultures will assure you they exist.
More similar words: existingpreexisttaxi standaxisexitMexicanflexibledyslexiacomplexityflexibilityfistlistmistgistwristdeistheisthoistwaisttwistpersistatheistpistolhistoryassistresistwhistleartistsubsistracist
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