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Entropy in a sentence

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Sentence count:272Posted:2017-03-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: misanthropyphilanthropytrophyatrophytropicalcontrolmetropolisintroduceMeaning: n. 1. (communication theory) a numerical measure of the uncertainty of an outcome 2. (thermodynamics) a thermodynamic quantity representing the amount of energy in a system that is no longer available for doing mechanical work. 
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151) In this paper, we further discuss the minimum entropy method, pro- vide the calculating formula and FORTRAN program, and give an example to show where to pay attention during calculation.
152) Rougness, rough entropy, fuzziness, and fuzzy entropy are major methods for measuring the uncertainty of rough sets.
153) An optimum Reynolds number existed over the parametric range investigated for the single tube case at which the entropy generated at a minimum rate.
154) Compared with the evaluation method of entropy and joint entropy, it was shown that mutual information was a good evaluation criterion.
155) Basic principles involved are entropy law, entropy balance equation, phenomenological equations, Onsager reciprocal relation, and minimum entropy production law.
156) The new image scrambling degree evaluation method based on fuzzy entropy theory is proposed.
157) We solve the Riemann problem for C - J model and Z - N - D model under the entropy conditions.
158) In fact, Heisenberg′s uncertainty principle is a special case of entropy uncertainty relation, and entropy can be used to measure the quantum fluctuation of the quadrature components of the field.
159) It is pointed out that partition coefficient, a commonly used clustering validity function, it is equal to a function based on fuzzy entropy.
160) Maximum entropy spectral estimation and LMS adaptive algorithm were proposed to extract the reflection echo signal of laser ranging system.
161) This paper propose an entropy - based Pareto evolutionary algorithm ( EPEA ) for multi - objective optimization.
162) Moreover, the modified rough entropy and the fuzzy entropy based on equivalence relation is extended to the generalized modified rough entropy and the generalized fuzzy entropy.
163) An equation for the activity coefficient expressed by solubility parameters and taking excess entropy into consideration is presented in the payer.
164) There are many kinds of image fusion methods, such as information entropy, mutual information, mean square error, peak signal to noise ratio and mean grads.
165) After being renormalized with the standard scheme, the thermodynamical entropy of the general stationary axisymmetric black hole is found.
166) The new method is superior in many respects to the three corresponding state methods and the functional group method for the evaporation entropy.
167) The method based on the principle of maximum entropy(POME) is applied to analyze the distributions of flood forecasting errors for some typical reservoirs in humid and semi-humid regions.
168) And the associated genotype entropy and interentropy and the information coefficient of correlation among them were defined.
169) Conclusion Fuzzy relative entropy method is more significant for fuzzy pattern recognition.
170) The Crossing Entropy is defined to scale the similar level of two probability distribution.
171) But once the plasmon has strayed from that path—due in part to entropy—making the loop is no longer possible.
172) The author reflects the view from Entropya new weltanschauung,( and upholds that the human being should return to the society of low entropy.
173) The uncertain information may be probable, or fuzzy, or have compound uncertainty, and can be measured respectively with probability entropy, fuzzy entropy and hybrid entropy.
174) Approach of fuzzy enhancement based on relative entropy is proposed in this paper.
175) Grasp how to calculate the entropy in a thermodynamic process.
176) Compared with gastrocnemius and soleus muscle, gastrocnemius muscle acoustic signal' approximate entropy increases faster, but Soleus muscle acoustic signal' approximate entropy increase more gently.
177) The conception of relative entropy is put forward, and signification of the entropy conception in life science, is discussed.
178) Entropy was the importance gist of estimating system's evolvement, so it was ver'y necessary to quantize system entropy.
179) And then, a method by which a fuzzy variable can be transformed into its equivalent normal random variable is put forward, and the method follows the entropy conservation principle.
180) With certain caveats, changes in flexibility that occur upon ligand binding, mutation, or changes in sample conditions can be interpreted in terms of contributions to conformational entropy.
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