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Entropy in a sentence

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Sentence count:272Posted:2017-03-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: misanthropyphilanthropytrophyatrophytropicalcontrolmetropolisintroduceMeaning: n. 1. (communication theory) a numerical measure of the uncertainty of an outcome 2. (thermodynamics) a thermodynamic quantity representing the amount of energy in a system that is no longer available for doing mechanical work. 
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121) This last equation does not contradict the entropy - of - mixing formula.
122) The entropy increase function, we has derived the phase field controlling equations which are thermodynamical consistent.
123) A new entropy dissipator, based on the second-order difference of the numerical solution is given.
124) Based on the theory of information, the method uses images' entropy and invariant moments to capture the shape and spatial information of images.
125) In this paper, the conventional pseudo-random sequence linear complexity is discussed, and a new criterion is proposed, based on the approximate entropy.
126) It is shown that information entropy squeezing is a remarkable precision measure for the atomic squeezing.
127) In this paper we have proposed a Monte Carlo simulation method for calculating the conformational entropy of polymer chains.
128) The final CFV for hypothesis is given based on mean and fuzzy entropy of all CFV.
129) Under fuzzy environment,[Sentence dictionary] the fuzzy extension matrix approach can generate a set of fuzzy rules from examples according to the minimum fuzzy entropy criterion of the path.
130) The results show that, compared with a normal ear, the approximate entropy of TEOAE without CAS was reduced for cochlear hearing loss, while it did not change for retrocochlear hearing loss.
131) In this paper, a dynamic programming model of them-dimensional bottleneck assignment problem is established, also a suitable solution of this model is given based on entropy.
132) By the method of estimating the probability distribution of training examples, a new and simple method of dealing with numeric attribute based on example distribution and entropy is turned out.
133) Comparing with the method based on maximal fuzzy entropy information, the new one is much faster and works well.
134) Boltzmann's microscopic formula for entropy is introduced and used to explain irreversibility.
135) Thermodynamically speaking, this molecular ordering lowers the system's entropy,[] so the system compensates by heating up as a consequence of energy conservation.
136) Giving a new definition for the rate of entropy production is a proof method adopted in some papers published recent years to guarantee that the rate is non-negative.
137) The theory of minimum entropy production or minimum rate of energy dissipation shows that a river is stable when it is in a relative equilibrium condition.
138) Information entropy theory was introduced into this paper, and multi-joint entropy was used to depict the aero-engine's disorder parameter and evolutive trend.
139) Many models on behavioral finance can be understood from the entropy theory of information.
140) Combining the two essential characteristics of the image, the gradient and the gray level, a threshold segmentation approach using maximum entropy with the gradient boundary control was proposed.
141) New algorithm for solving a maximum entropy problem with linear equi- lity constraint is given in this paper.
142) The degression rule of the administrative efficiency of organizational systems, namely entropy effect, is a universal subject with important research value.
143) She has made empirical analysis and study using factor analytical method, entropy value method and synthesis ordinal number method, and reached the conclusion of practical worthiness.
144) An entropy generation analysis method based on the second law of thermodynamics was used to component level optimization design of aircraft environmental control system in this paper.
145) The relative correlation distance entropy is applied to fault diagnosis and state recognition of aero engine rotor-case system.
146) Experimental results show that the segmentation results are as good as conventional fuzzy entropy method, but computation time decreases remarkably, and segmentation is very fast.
147) No matter how much of a misanthrope you are there is such a thing as entropy and it will catch up with you sooner or later.
148) Based on entropy increase function, we has derived the phase field controlling equations which are thermodynamical consistent.
149) The solvent effects, the compensation of the activation enthalpy , and the activation entropy were discussed.
150) The results show that the voltage is affected mostly by vacancy intercalation energy, and that the configurational entropy has a small effect.
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