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Ed. in a sentence

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Sentence count:60+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: e.adendredc.CHCo.CP
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1. Ed came over last night to watch the video of the football match that I'd recorded.
2. Bremner bought a signed Celtic jersey according to Ed.
3. A stroke left Ed unable to speak, but his mind was completely unimpaired.
4. Ed was thin and undersized like Patsy, but he was fit and strong, because he boxed.
5. I met him in a seminar on special ed. last semester.
6. Ed asked me to run the new division for them, but I declined.
7. Ed told us stories of all the faraway countries he had visited.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. Ed. crowd settled down as well when MacFarland took the podium.
9. Microbiology. 4 th ed. McGraw Hill Co.
10. Officials say the back door had been padlock ed.
11. Obviously, they know the difference between fluorite and ED.
12. Dictionary of Environmental Science and Technology, 4 th Ed.
13. Ilson, Robert ( ed. ) , Lexicography : An emerging international profession . Manchester : Manchester University Press. 1986.
14. Physics-chemical performances of magnesia ramming material are introduced. Themechanisms of magnesia ramming material prolonging lining life of electric-arc furnace in FeCrsmelting are discus:ed.
15. Young, Oran. Ed. " The Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes. " MIT Press[], 1999.
16. Method: 25 cases with duodenal diverticulum diagnosis ed and treated near 20 years were reviewed.
17. Geoff Peart, M.Ed., is the author of the blog,, where people can learn how to improve their social skills and their lives.
18. As we go to press there is good snow coverage in Verbier - Ed.
19. The tenor of the above letter seems to endorse rather than diminish that inference - Ed.
20. You're on dangerous ground when you talk politics with Ed.
21. The team improves, and the weaselly son gets too profit-minded and temporarily messes things up by selling Ed.
22. Miller, D . C . Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement. 4 th ed.
23. The significance and present research state of comprehensively utilizing Ti - bearing blast furnace slag are overview ed.
24. The Objectionable Publications Ordinance ( Cap . 150 . 1975 Ed. ) is repealed.
25. The two men argued and ripost ( e ) ed.
26. To clear data from the current cursor position to the end of the device, you use tput ed.
27. Text: Cooper, Bloom, and Roth. The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology. 7th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
28. Conclusion NEVA is feasible and acceptable in the screening ED and diagnosis of the vasculogenic ED.
29. The wounded taken from front need immediate treatment in the field hospital v. - ed.
30. Cooper, Bloom, and Roth. "Serotonin and Histamine. " Chap. 10 in The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology . 7th ed.
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