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DI in a sentence

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Sentence count:192Posted:2016-08-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: DIYIbobpc.CHCo.CP
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1. Everyone who came into contact with Di felt better for knowing her.
2. The child repeated the nonsense syllables 'boo di doo doo'.
3. They lost touch when Di got married and moved away.
4. Di Pietro, 45, has been flirting with the idea of a political career.
5. Santa Maria di Castellabate is barely mentioned in guidebooks; therein lies its charm.
6. Alicia Di Rado contributed to this article.
7. Did you talk it over with di Marco?
8. Di Gesu took photographs until just before his death.
8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. Former investigating prosecutor Antonio Di Pietro faces charges he abused his.
10. Buckingham Palace said Di wanted to tighten her belt along with everyone else.
11. But Princess Di was tickled pink yesterday by this new portrait.
12. Moments later Di dropped Wills off before heading on to London.
13. Di Rosa's view that art can change the world is perhaps solipsistic.
14. Di Driver brought along some photographs taken just over a year ago.
15. We've already had L'incoronazione di Poppea, since recorded by Harmonia Mundi.
16. A grateful Di rewarded him with expensive presents - including a diamond-studded tie-pin and a gold and silver alarm clock.
17. Nineteen-year-old songster Sebastian made his amazing gaffe as Di visited a centre for homeless youngsters.
18. However Di was said to be furious about the tapes,[] which a book says are of her voice.
19. Banca di Roma and Techint will launch an offer for the 16 % of Dalmine that is publicly traded.
20. Di was just about to drop elder son Wills back at school when she braked sharply to avoid an oncoming motor.
21. Our own hilltop housed the castello of Casa di Monti-a wine-producing estate with fabulous views.
22. Above, left to right: Sainsbury's Pane di Olive, studded with whole olives, 92p.
23. Some were based on historical fact - L'Incoronazione di Poppea, Giulio Cesare - but most were mythological.
24. They ate fresh-from-the-oven Roselline di Pasta with fontina cheese and unsmoked ham in a creamy tomato sauce.
25. In i 728, for example, floods devastated farmland around Pinerolo and in the Val di Susa.
26. He went on to acquire titles and estates, becoming conte di Buttigliera and seigneur of Saint-Thomas-de-Coeur.
27. Alex Garland's cult novel 'The Beach' was later made into a film starring Leonardo di Caprio.
28. The ex-Guards officer, who had a five-year fling with Di, wants thousands of pounds.
29. It was, in fact, the official London residence of both Charles and Di until the couple formally separated.
30. And in the hallowed world of television, this change is akin to Charles and Di getting a divorce.
More similar words: DIYIbobpc.CHCo.CPDCSdo.DSCdue.ed.EINEtF.GtVCVS.aadahasatbebyDNAdogo
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