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Disgrace in a sentence

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Sentence count:192+11Posted:2016-11-06Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: discreditdishonorembarrasshumiliateshameAntonym: honorSimilar words: gracegracefulgracefulnessdisguiseracetraceembracedisplaceMeaning: [dɪs'greɪs]  n. a state of dishonor. v. 1. bring shame or dishonor upon 2. reduce in worth or character, usually verbally 3. damage the reputation of. 
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(61) He was a disgrace to the legal profession.
(62) Next door's goings on were an absolute disgrace.
(63) Wisdom attracts honor. Foolishness invites Dr T.P.Chia 
(64) She says it's a disgrace.
(65) You normally get drummed out if you disgrace yourself.
(66) The way they treat their workers is a disgrace.
(67) The council tax is a disgrace.
(68) But there was no disgrace in that.
(69) Conception and disgrace somehow eluded her.
(70) Instead, his side were a shambles again, a disgrace.
(71) Our child care is a national disgrace.
(72) You are a disgrace to your country.
(73) To most people Neil is a disgrace.
(74) He couldn't disgrace himself in front of this woman.
(75) The 2-0 defeat was no disgrace.
(76) I shall have you drummed out of this establishment in utter disgrace!
(77) A hint of humanity and he was a disgrace to the family name.
(78) It was gone in a trice, saving him from a terrible thrashing or many long hours standing in disgrace.
(79) Garton killed himself because he could not bear the disgrace of a public scandal.
(80) It's a disgrace, we spend all that money on police protection and look what happens.
(81) Spike, still feeling in disgrace, comes in with her but lingers in the doorway.
(82) Villagers say the place is an eyesore and he is a disgrace to the church.
(83) This bureaucracy, for reasons still obscure, had decided that my posture was a disgrace and had to be corrected.
(84) The national disgrace is that we parents do nothing to stop this epidemic.
(85) It's a disgrace that the only hospital in the town has been closed.
(86) There was no disgrace in finishing fourth in the Olympic 100m final, won that year by Harrison Dillard.
(87) He would disgrace the family name and be destroyed into the bargain.
(88) Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book. Ronald Reagan 
(89) It is little short of a national disgrace that allocations are still being made using such a crude approach.
(90) A bloody disgrace the way the whole area been allowed to deteriorate.
More similar words: gracegracefulgracefulnessdisguiseracetraceembracedisplacehuman racedistractface to facepacefaceplacespacesolacepalacerackgrabgrandgrayin placegrimaceat peacesurfacereplacecracktrackdiskdisc
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