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Direction in a sentence

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Sentence count:261+34Posted:2016-10-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: centeringchargecommissioncounselcounselingcounsellingfocal pointfocusfocusingfocussingguidanceinstructionmanagementsteeringwaySimilar words: in all directionsdirect investmentdirectdirectordirectlysectionelectionobjectionMeaning: [dɪ'rekʃn]  n. 1. a line leading to a place or point 2. the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves 3. a general course along which something has a tendency to develop 4. something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action 5. the act of managing something 6. a message describing how something is to be done 7. the act of setting and holding a course 8. a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something 9. the concentration of attention or energy on something. 
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121. The current flows in a south-easterly direction.
122. They were travelling in an easterly direction.
123. We walked in a southerly direction.
124. He pointed in the direction of the town centre.
125. No clear direction in policy can be identified.
126. She was entrusted with the direction of the project.
127. Tom came rushing at him from another direction.
128. He suddenly doubled and ran in the opposite direction.
128. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
129. The stage direction reads, 'Exit left'.
130. Turn the key anticlockwise / in an anticlockwise direction.
131. People passed by without a glance in her direction.
132. The ostrich swivelled its head in our direction.
133. The plane was flying in a southeasterly direction.
134. Turn the knob clockwise/in a clockwise direction.
135. We set off in a southerly direction.
136. We travelled in a westerly direction.
137. What direction does this exhibition hall face?
138. His life seems to have followed a preordained path/direction.
139. We sailed onwards in a westerly direction.
140. They were travelling in a southwesterly direction.
141. She seems to lack direction in her life.
142. Support came from an unexpected direction.
143. He did the work under my direction.
144. The plane flew off in a southerly direction.
145. Striking this direction[],we can catch them up at once.
146. Her mother felt that Rachel's life lacked direction .
147. His domain extends for 20 miles in every direction.
148. The new speed limit does not solve the problem, but it is a step in the right direction.
149. The cannon can be linked to the line of sight of the gunner so that it points in the same direction that he is looking in.
150. It is hard to know which direction the Church will take.
More similar words: in all directionsdirect investmentdirectdirectordirectlysectionelectionobjectioninfectionselectioninspectioncollectionprotectionprojectionconnectionreflectionintrospectionenvironmental protectionreceptionactionauctionfictionquestionnairerecognitionreactionsanctionfractionreductionfunctionappreciation
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