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Diligence in a sentence

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Sentence count:145+5Posted:2016-12-04Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: idlenesslazinessSimilar words: diligentdiligentlyintelligentconvergenceobligeobligedindigenousbelligerentMeaning: ['dɪlɪʒɒ̃ːns]  n. 1. conscientiousness in paying proper attention to a task; giving the degree of care required in a given situation 2. persevering determination to perform a task 3. a diligent effort. 
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121. Be patient, be consistent, and in time you will have your desires. In the profound words of William Penn, "Patience and diligence, like faith, will remove mountains.
122. The seller is obligated to exercise ordinary care and diligence in selecting an underwriter that is in good financial standing.
123. I have observed mauve friendship, oceanic toleration, blue crush and marble diligence.
124. Truthfulness and diligence Insincerity is a bad characteristic. It can only be rectified by truthfulness.
125. No German would argue their supremacy in the fields of order, punctuality, diligence,( cleanliness and thoroughness.
126. Diligence combined with natural ability earned him commendations from superiors.
127. In the profound words of William Penn, "Patience and diligence, like faith, will remove mountains.
128. Diligence" and "frugality", the two kernel moral standards that he puts forward in it, are distinct representation of the influence of Puritanic labor-for-God belief and its asceticism on him.
129. This extension of my diligence as a househusband has earned me "a big gold star, " as Julie puts it.
130. An investigation or audit of a potential investment. Due diligence serves to confirm all material facts in regards to a sale.
131. His diligence earnestness, carefulness and brilliance make him praised by all.
132. In southeast - Asia countries, the diligence helps Chinese make a hit.
133. The fable that tells us that even water can eventually pierce through stone also points to the importance of patience and diligence.
134. The genius lie in a backlog,[] the cleverness lies in diligence.
135. That quintessentially American narrative, the Horatio Alger tale, makes the opposite case: With diligence and hard work, anyone can climb to the top.
136. If we follow the Path patiently and with diligence, train and purify ourselves one day realize it within ourselves-without taxing ourselves with puzzling and high-sounding words.
137. With unwearied diligence, his eyes pursued the object till it gradually disappeared.
138. Among the contemporary woman writers in the United States, Joyce Carol Oates is one full of diligence and fecundity.
139. The word diligence implies care, watchfulness, observation and a deep sense of freedom.
140. And reassurances that the due diligence performed on Merrill's books had been rigorous, despite the rush, look risible.
141. When the cause of delay ceases to operate , presentment must be made with reasonable diligence.
142. After he had done all his due diligence and now it was put up or shut up, he told us this story.
143. Joyce Carol Oates is a famous contemporary American writer, celebrated for the great productivity and diligence.
144. A noble toiler who thinks diligence is a virtue is wrong, says Yale professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld.
145. A vast expanse of spirit, activeness of imagination and diligence of the mind are talents. — Diderot.
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