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Dictate in a sentence

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Sentence count:167+14Posted:2016-07-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: advisechargedemanddirectinstructorderrecommendrulesuggestAntonym: obeysubmitSimilar words: predictverdictpredictionjurisdictiondictionary orderindicatededicatestateMeaning: [dɪk'teɪt]  n. 1. an authoritative rule 2. a guiding principle. v. 1. issue commands or orders for 2. say out loud for the purpose of recording 3. rule as a dictator. 
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31 Her skills were in such demand that she could dictate her own salary.
32 The players we have dictate what system we have.
33 That too the baby seemed to dictate.
34 New staff roles dictate new management structures.
35 The cuts dictate the choice of ministers.
36 Tax considerations should not dictate investment judgment.
37 Fashion designers no longer dictate skirt lengths.
38 For the first time in the history of our species, we can dictate the final genetic constitution of the offspring.
39 These beliefs about what low attainers can not do dictate and reflect the kind of learning experience these pupils have.
40 A rigorous syllabus and lots of tests dictate the kind of work done.
41 Neither is an inflection of the other, so strictly speaking their differing linguistic origin should dictate separate indices.
42 Send to Alternatively, you can dictate your letter to us over the telephone.
43 In short, many corporations and data centers have computing security policies and practices that dictate how data must be protected.
44 I should have thought that good sense would dictate that some one who opposes every measure begins to lose credibility.
45 I dictate in the afternoon to my secretary, and I might work on till midnight.
46 The themes themselves dictate what is studied; they provide points of departure for the curriculum.
47 Watching hockey FoxTrax makes it seem you can dictate the action.
48 However[], if circumstances dictate using the post then make the best of it by: 1.
49 Consequently, those laws tend to dictate impartial treatment and equal service to all members of the targeted group.
50 Ellen wanted none of it so let her dictate her terms.
51 This control has meant lower margins for retailers, and manufacturers being able to dictate the in-store location of their particular products.
52 Once the policy of factoring is established, the factor will dictate credit terms.
53 In practical effect, it meant that Chun could dictate the selection of his successor.
54 In writing[ ], do not be afraid to let these dictate the way you go.
55 Dear Prudence would dictate staying put and waiting for air to come and retrieve him.
56 We have lost the initiative and allowed our opponents to dictate the subject - even the rules - of the debate.
57 The circumstances will dictate how much you can make of it from the standpoint of good video.
58 Except in so far as they publicized opinion poll findings, television projections of party credibility did not dictate public perceptions.
59 Sophisticated graphics and multimedia software for games and educational programs dictate that consumer machines have plenty of muscle.
60 Farmers are businessmen and since wages constitute a cost of production they will normally pay no more than prevailing conditions dictate.
More similar words: predictverdictpredictionjurisdictiondictionary orderindicatededicatestateestatehesitatestatementfacilitatereluctantspectaclespectacularmedicalradicaljudicialindicatordepictvictimstrictmedicationindicationpicturefictionconvictget atstrictlyrestrict
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