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Defaced in a sentence

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Sentence count:38Posted:2016-12-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: defacede factolose faceface to facedefamedefamatoryfaceface-offMeaning: [dɪ'feɪs]  adj. having the surface damaged or disfigured. 
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1 She defaced the book by writing on it.
2 Most of the monuments had been broken or defaced.
3 The wall has been defaced with slogans.
4 Thoughtless boys defaced the gate of the school with rude message in blue paint.
5 Several office buildings were defaced by graffiti.
6 The Blitz and glamour had defaced the Gospel.
7 The greatest Pharaonic inscription was defaced in antiquity; the disgraced Roman Third Legion had its name hacked away.
8 A confusion of lorries and cement mixers defaced the area just past the green.
9 That much of the decoration was shredded or defaced beyond hope of repair, Alexei thought, was quite clear.
10 He defaced the typewriter keys with a file and made a special trip to Hertfordshire to drop it in a reservoir.
11 Several of the gravestones had been defaced and were impossible to read.
12 If somebody entered the National Gallery and defaced a Gainsborough they would be prosecuted.
13 He suggested that perhaps he had defaced his ballot.
14 The wall has defaced with slogans.
15 Tickets will be void of any altered or defaced.
16 The boy defaced Shakespeare's masterpieces with some crayons.
17 Brazilian hackers defaced 49 websites of US House of Representatives members and committees with insults to US President Barack Obama after his State of the Union address, local media reported.
18 Thoughtless boys have defaced the desks by marking on them.
19 Then Deucalion and Pyrrha, entering a temple defaced with slime, approached the enkindled altar and, falling prostrate, prayed for guidance and aid.
20 The applicant must retrun the defaced certificate to HKEx for cancellation.
21 We crept into our little sister's bedroom and spitefully defaced her pop posters.
22 There was a bust of Miguel de Unamuno at the bottom of the staircase[], and it seemed to have been defaced.
23 Duplicate A duplicate licence is issued to replace a valid licence which has been lost, stolen or defaced.
24 Public School 45 is closed, the windows boarded up, the walls defaced with graffiti.
25 He is depicted as a supplicant to gods, or in the protective presence of the ram deity Amun, or as a sphinx himself,( or in a warrior's posture. Most statues were defaced by his rivals.
26 State prohibited articles to restrict the transport goods, dangerous substances, as well as smell or easily defaced aircraft other items can not be used as luggage or baggage checked into folder.
27 Pump room intact at the south gate of Chestwood signs have been defaced.
28 If returnable BPC containers are re - used, all previous labeling should be removed or defaced.
29 He and other workers either discarded the forms unsigned or defaced them.
30 This warranty is void if the label bearing the serial number has been removed or defaced.
More similar words: defacede factolose faceface to facedefamedefamatoryfaceface-offsurfaceface up tomake a faceeffacementnefariousicedaccedesecederecedebe familiar withconcedeprecedeadvancedprocedurebalancedconvincedprecedentintercedeannounceddefuseexperiencedantecedent
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