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Corpse in a sentence

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Sentence count:227+7Posted:2016-11-08Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cadaverclayremainsstiffSimilar words: corporateincorporatecorporationhabeas corpusupsetglimpsesynapsecollapseMeaning: [kɔːps]  n. the dead body of a human being. 
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61. The corpse lay on the ground, arms and legs detached from the body.
62. That said, our witnessing of a four-hundred-year-old tree carried like a corpse along the highway troubles him, too.
63. Athelstan sketched the sign of the cross above the corpse and sprinkled it with the Asperges rod.
64. Beside her the pathetic corpse of the servant, the garotte cord still round his scrawny neck.
65. Lampard took the corpse of the Oberst as a good-luck token.
66. Flashback to 30 March 1968: two kids playing in a deserted tenement block discover a corpse.
67. It turns out to be no picture after all, but the image of a worm-eaten corpse.
68. The lightning flashed again, but he was turning; the mutilated corpse was at the edge of his vision.
69. It is true that embalming improves the appearance of a corpse if it is to be viewed by friends and relations.
70. A police officer said his corpse was so charred and mutilated that it took more than an hour to identify it.
71. The corpse of the household servant still swung from the branch of an elm tree.
72. When he fired his grin, Sammler, himself nearly a corpse, burst into life.
73. The shock of finding the corpse had made him forget to shave.
74. The two of them stood side by side by the corpse.
75. He ignored Sir Ralph's corpse but lifted back the insignia over the hospitaller's and the canvas sheet which lay underneath.
76. Then the ghoul will rob the corpse of the interred jewellery and devour the newly dead flesh with its sharp fangs.
77. He scrutinised Ruthven's corpse[], paying particular attention to the hands and closely examining the callous on Ruthven's third finger.
78. The corpse has been in a freezer in Hawaii since he died there in exile in 1989.
79. Now however, it only fills him with horror, the chill marble is like the cold of the corpse.
80. One of the men with sticks came over and carried his corpse away.
81. I remembered how I had nearly died that night when Shoshana had sent us to the private clinic to guard a corpse.
82. Moira died in 1793 leaving instructions that his corpse be fully embalmed prior to its being deposited in the family vault.
83. By the time he had pulled the corpse out into the street, Valenzuela's clothes were stained with blood.
84. It is in these brasses that one discovers the three different ways of positioning the arms of a corpse.
85. We then removed the funeral cloths, lifted the gauze veils and stared down at the royal corpse.
86. He began to drag the corpse along, its buttocks bumping over the ground.
87. I had been moved into the front room and laid out like a corpse on the
88. He pulled out the knife and stood over the corpse.
89. When the corpse arrived at Grinton churchyard it was buried without a coffin in a linen shroud.
90. Perhaps Margaret just wants that corpse to be her husband's, to give her something to grieve over.
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