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1, I will call the cops.
2, The children played a game of cops and robbers.
3, Frank didn't like having the cops know where to find him.
4, I'm gonna call the cops!
5, The cops got the crooks.
6, His car was tagged by cops for obstructing traffic.
7, The place is crawling with cops!
8, The whole place was crawling with cops.
9, You can spot undercover cops a mile off.
10, Here come the cops!Let's blow!
11, These rookie cops don't know anything yet.
12, As usual, the cops get the baddies in the end.
13, After he hit me, I called the cops to come to get him.
14, There'llbe a huge ruck with the cops as they try to take photographs.
15, The robber ditched the cops by driving down an alley.
16, The cops are coming! Let's bail!
17, Two nights ago, they called the cops, man.
18, She knew the cops wouldn't just fine her.
19, The cops had him dump the contents.
20, I legged it before the cops came.
21, The cops snapped the handcuffs back onto the prisoner.
22, The exceptional Cops is the exception to everything.
23, Cops happened by,(http://sentencedict.com/cops.html) two casual burly uniformed cops.
24, Scarper! The cops are coming!
25, The uniformed cops and a couple of detectives were watching their superiors slug it out.
26, The two play New York subway cops who also are foster brothers.
27, The hero falls in love with Dee but eventually cops off with the more desirable Clare.
28, The new program is meant to ferret out problem cops.
29, "Look," he said in a confidential tone, "I want you to know that me and Joey are cops.".
30, Another resident had complained, the two women got into a fight and Clarisa called the cops.
More similar words: oops, hops, crops, props, drops, biopsy, autopsy, synopsis, popsicle, lopsided, cop, chopstick, cope, shop-soiled, copper, scope, copious, cope with, hard copy, copulate, cacophony, photocopy, telescope, copiously, helicopter, cornucopia, microscope, microscopic, photocopier, macroscopic.