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Biopsy in a sentence

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Sentence count:203+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: autopsyidiopathicbibliophilepsycheoopshopspsychicpropsMeaning: ['baɪɒpsɪ]  n. examination of tissues or liquids from the living body to determine the existence or cause of a disease. 
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(1) A biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure.
(2) A biopsy was inconclusive and further surgery was advised.
(3) Biopsy and stool samples were examined for infective agents.
(4) Duodenal biopsy specimens were taken in 50 patients.
(5) He took a biopsy of one of them.
(6) A positive biopsy establishes the diagnosis.
(7) At the last visit we took biopsy samples.
(8) To limit sampling error, we took multiple biopsy specimens at standardised sites.
(9) Eighteen patients had a skin biopsy or had a lesion removed, but no tests other than the usual histological examination were necessary.
(10) In 20, the biopsy was repeated and showed improvement after the beginning of a gluten free diet.
(11) However, the random biopsy specimens in the patients with early gastric cancer did not show dysplasia at either investigation.
(12) Biopsy tissues were fixed in buffered formalin and processed routinely through paraffin wax, ensuring optimal orientation at the embedding stage.
(13) In 79% of the biopsy specimens there was concurrence over the grading of the extent of gastric metaplasia.
(14) Though the numbers affected are small colonoscopic biopsy and histological examination for dysplasia seems to hold no advantage over routine clinical management.
(15) The interval between taking and freezing the biopsy specimens was less than 30 minutes.
(16) Cervical lymph node biopsy showed a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of follicular type.
(17) A flat biopsy specimen was obtained from each of the 42 patients.
(18) In colonic biopsy specimens from normal and colitic controls inappropriate staining is less evident.
(19) The opportunity should be used to obtain duodenal biopsy specimens.
(20) Patients underwent gastric endoscopy with biopsy specimens taken for determination of the histological endocrine cell status.
(21) Evaluating more than two biopsy samples leads to an alignment in the number of crypts required to achieve a certain precision.
(22) In addition, Roycayrol and Cattan studied fundic biopsy specimens of 18 totally achlorhydric patients(, 12 of whom had pernicious anaemia.
(23) Six mucosal biopsy specimens were taken from the antrum and four from both the corpus and fundus of the stomach.
(24) Liver biopsy showed that this patient already had secondary biliary cirrhosis.
(25) Five of the six patients who had not undergone operation were staged by computed tomography and bone marrow biopsy.
(26) Upper gastrointestinal radiography was performed in 42 patients and endoscopy with biopsy specimens in 48 patients.
(27) Four of the nine patients requiring a small intestinal biopsy had impaired linear growth emphasising the potential serious effects of this illness.
(28) In eight of the 11 patients, full thickness intestinal biopsy specimens were available for histological examination.
(29) For the detection and typing of human papillomavirus we used cervical scrapes instead of biopsy specimens.
(30) The diagnosis of Crohn's disease was made by colonoscopy with biopsy or characteristic radiological appearances on barium studies.
More similar words: autopsyidiopathicbibliophilepsycheoopshopspsychicpropsdropscropspsychologynarcolepsysynopsislopsidedpopsiclechopstickpsychologistpsychiatristbionicbioticshop-soiledpsychologicalbiologydubiousbiospherebiographysymbiosisdubiouslyantibioticamphibious
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