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Anyhow in a sentence

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Sentence count:114+10 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: anywayat any ratein any casein any eventMeaning: adv. 1. used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement 2. in any way whatsoever. 
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1. Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow.
2. Anyhow I must insist that you cannot steal.
3. The books were lying on the shelves just/all anyhow.
4. It may rain, but anyhow I shall go out.
5. Love,then heard anyhow Valentine scattered forget it.
6. I have to do it anyhow.
7. It may snow, but anyhow I will go shopping.
8. He looked a complete mess - dressed anyhow with hair sticking up on end.
9. It's too late now,( anyhow.
10. Her clothes were thrown down just anyhow.
11. Where the hell was Bud, anyhow?
12. Anyhow I don't like it.
13. I've never been to a circus, not recently anyhow.
14. Anyhow I must finish this job today.
15. He made notes anyhow across the page.
16. Well, anyhow, I got into the room.
17. "Well, anyhow, I rang the bell.
18. Anyhow, as I was saying ...
19. Anyhow Tony intended to acknowledge him as his son.
20. John's a good friend of mine. Well anyhow, I left for Mexico the next morning.
21. He told me not to buy it, but I bought it anyhow.
22. The scandal could damage her reputation but the press reported it anyhow.
23. Hark at her then! Who does she think she is anyhow?
24. Mother certainly won't let him stay with her and anyhow he wouldn't.
25. It may be risky but we will chance it anyhow.
26. I was told to go to Reading for this interview. It was a very amusing affair. Anyhow, I got the job.
27. He's left her? What's the odds? He was never at home anyhow.
28. The cupboard would hardly close, with all the shoes thrown in anyhow.
29. She piled the papers in a heap on her desk, just anyhow.
30. I wasn't qualified to apply for the job really but I got it anyhow.
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