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Competition in a sentence

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Sentence count:277+55Posted:2016-09-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: challengercompetitorcontendercontentioncontestrivalrivalrySimilar words: competitorcompensationpractitionercompositioncompeteconstitutional conventioninstitutioneditionMeaning: [‚kɒmpɪ'tɪʃn]  n. 1. a business relation in which two parties compete to gain customers 2. an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants 3. the act of competing as for profit or a prize 4. the contestant you hope to defeat. 
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121) Competition in the financial marketplace has eroded profits.
122) They lagged the other automakers in the fierce competition.
123) The couple skated spectacularly throughout the competition.
124) Healthy competition is a force for innovation.
125) The team's continued involvement in the competition is uncertain.
126) Competition is a force for change in industry.
127) There is a lot of competition between rival airlines.
128) We're ninetieth in the competition so far.
129) The firm ran up against strong competition.
130) The company's conservative instincts sit ill with competition.
131) We won 500, no less, in a competition.
132) He won first prize at the Leeds Piano Competition.
133) Anybody can enter for the competition, can't they?
134) His work didn't rate very high in the competition.
135) Competition from abroad became fiercer in the 1990s.
136) Absence of competition makes for sloth.
137) Clothing stores also face heavy competition from factory outlets.
138) We are in competition with some very large companies.
139) He will be banned from international competition for four years.
140) The women's competition was a two horse race between last year's winners Surrey and the previous champions Essex.
141) It's going to be a tough competition but I'm mentally prepared for it.
142) Colour TV has been more aggressively promoted as more manufacturers have joined the competition.
143) Competition between companies is too fierce for self-regulation to work.
144) There is fierce competition between the three leading soap manufacturers.
145) Our team was comfortably/easily/soundly beaten in the first round of the competition.
146) There's no room for complacency if we want to stay in this competition!
146) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
147) If you are building up to a competition you may wish to increase your fitness and endurance.
148) If we win this competition we'll be in the money.
149) In any advertising campaign, you must accent the areas where your product is better than the competition.
150) The competition is open to all readers of the magazine.
More similar words: competitorcompensationpractitionercompositioncompeteconstitutional conventioninstitutioneditionconstitutiondiscretionpositionadditioninstitutionalmunitionstraditionconditioncoalitioncompunctionconstitutionalexpeditiontransitionexhibitionadditionalin additionconditionsoppositiondefinitiontraditionalacquisitionrecognition
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