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Cleansing in a sentence

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Sentence count:177+3Posted:2017-03-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cleanclean upcleanlinessuncleanlinessclearingpleasingdispleasingjeansMeaning: ['klenzɪŋ]  n. the act of making something clean. adj. 1. cleansing the body by washing; especially ritual washing of e.g. hands 2. acting like an antiseptic. 
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61. I want to buy some cleansing cream.
62. Ezekiel 36: new Spirit; cleansing, sprinkling.
63. Soap and hot water are very cleansing.
64. In the name of Christendom, kings and their knights rode off to crusades with papal blessing, as David and the hosts of Yahweh redivivus, cleansing the Holy Land of infidels.
65. Reusability in the data cleansing patterns is realized through the definition of cleansing rules that can be applied at the record level through a service or through a batch process for bulk data.
66. Methods A cleansing enema of the colon through the stem of appendix and a ileostomy were performed.
67. Equipped with CIP cleansing function without openings cleansing, effective spray cleansing function can clean the spent diatomite out and out, after emissions nothing left in the cone part.
68. Main effects: Mild , smooth, excellent cleansing effect which maintains skin balanced and perfectly cares the cutin.
69. The Cleansing Oil, you can choose a Maybelline Eye Makeup Remover Oil, 30 yuan, not make it, makeup is still very good.
70. Breathing in Thy cleansing fulness, Finding all my life in Thee.
71. Are very cleansing oil removal effectiveness, high, can remove all kinds of kitchen is provided, and the ground is smeary furnace table.
72. So 164 in the cleansing of the temple is what Jews celebrate with Hanukkah.
73. It used to be closely tied to Buddhist prayer, but now its largely secularized in the form of a giant country-wide water and chalk fight, designed to represent spiritual cleansing.
74. Hydrosol, extracted from Australian Tea Tree, with a herbal-spicy scent. It has a cleansing, purifying and balancing effect. For impure, oily skin and combination skin.
75. Rinse with water, reoccupy silvery forest cleansing cream cleaned and protection.
76. I have been putting pressure onto the Cleansing Services to replace those dustbin lids.
77. The TUP system will slowly decompress the rescues as well as provide a place to undertake initial cleansing and medical triage.
78. She bought some detergent and antiseptic from a dyeing and cleansing store.
79. This thesis tries to present the efforts William Blake has made in cleansing the doors of perception.
80. But the French doctors swear by the treatment's cleansing and purifying qualities.
81. White Radiance Cleansing Cream 100g Ingredients: vitamin E derivative, aloe essence, sugar beet, algae extract and etc.
82. She , she notes incidents of genocide and ethnic cleansing.
83. So, whenever cleansing, disinfection after use cotton to wipe away the conditions are better placed Dryer.
84. By compressing and decompressing the body held in a twist the normal cleansing processes are supported.
84. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
85. Usage: FDA Cleanser After cleansing, pat the face amount of the product to absorb massage, mouth, nose ditch, neck, eye hanged.
86. To sensitivity skin can choose acidic taste, more cleansing cream to supplement vitamin C, avoid oil-control formula.
87. Whatever your skin condition, this product can be used to provide a revitalising, deep cleansing treatment.
88. Apply after thoroughly cleansing the facial part and the tonic water.
89. Tina: Yes! I thought I forgot it. Let's see... deep cleansing oil, beauty soap, lotion, cream ... it's all here.
90. Cleansing Oil Cleansing with olive oil better than the first coated with olive oil over the face, massage a few minutes, and then clean make-up touch paper, and finally clean with a cleanser on it.
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