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Clandestine in a sentence

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Sentence count:62+2Posted:2016-08-14Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: cloak-and-daggerhole-and-cornerhugger-muggerhush-hushsecretsurreptitiousundercoverundergroundSimilar words: testingabstinencePalestinianmodestroutinedestructionundermineburst inMeaning: [klæn'destɪn]  adj. conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods. 
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31) But now her need of him was desperate and unashamed, and their clandestine meetings were not enough.
32) They had a clandestine meeting in the park yesterday.
33) The press denounces clandestine support for the counterrevolution.
34) A mouse leads a clandestine life below the ground.
35) The early Christians held clandestine meetings in caves.
36) Up close – a clandestine massage parlour?
37) Adulterer and a woman are on a clandestine love affair, its back door to drink alcoholic husband, hurried in possession of the adulterer in the bathroom.
38) So my first schooling was in Mandarin , in a clandestine class run by a married couple.
39) She also detested the obligatory burka , but found the ankle-length cloak a useful disguise when, years later, she slipped back across the border to establish a clandestine network of girls' schools.
40) She can not let anyone know, including the clandestine manufacture of men.
41) Drunkard thinks he also has the experience of carry on a clandestine love affair, say: Hey!
42) Mrs. Rushworth was that kind of woman: foolish, vain, and clandestine by nature.
43) A one-time Soviet military intelligence agent, Sechin presides over an impeccable network of sources, both formal and clandestine, all across the oil industry.
44) To dramatize the necessity of clandestine warfare, instructors objectively recited case histories and their import.
45) We were taken to a clandestine detention centre called Arana, in La Plata, where we were made to suffer the worst conditions a human being can bear.
46) Eventually they could contain themselves no longer and agreed to meet at a bus depot where the clandestine wedding plans would be finalised and their love confirmed.
47) Have you ever been approached by anyone to do clandestine work?
48) The White House declined to release any additional details about the operation[], saying that further information would jeopardize the military's ability to conduct clandestine operations in the future.
49) That mystery happens to be that of the even clandestine, black hole.
50) The probability to produce the weapon-grade plutonium clandestinely in some countries were discussed, some possible ways to detect the clandestine production activities have been given.
51) In the forward section of the Infiltrator, a compact cargo hold folds down to reveal an elaborate collection of clandestine equipment for use during missions.
52) This be the good place carrying on a clandestine love affair absolutely!
53) Nearly all the clandestine factories have minimal safety standards and fatal explosions are a regular occurrence.
54) Once, the wizard used the fleshbeasts in his clandestine experiments within the laboratories of Karazhan.
55) Some lawmakers also are proposing statutory language that would affirm that the defense secretary has the authority "to carry out a clandestine operation in cyberspace" under certain conditions.
56) We are executing a clandestine operation that will force them once and for all to forfeit their power hold.
57) The necessary consequence is a great number of transient and clandestine connections.
58) For instance, some clandestine publications are beautifully produced. Well,( where did the paper come from?
59) Carry on a clandestine love affair men and women seeks pleasure in course of in the woman , the entrance door sound having key unblanking suddenly.
60) Finally one day, her husband found his wife a clandestine love affair.
More similar words: testingabstinencePalestinianmodestroutinedestructionundermineburst ininstinctdistinctroutinelytestifyquestionexistingassist incontinentdomesticestimateconsist inburst intotestimonyin questionestimateddistinctivedistinctionsuggestiondistinguishinvestigateinvestigatorquestionnaire
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