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Circular in a sentence

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Sentence count:267+11Posted:2017-04-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: annularannulateannulatedbillbroadsheetbroadsidecircinatedoughnut-shapedflierflyerhandbillring-shapedringedrotaryroundthrowawaySimilar words: circulatecirculationcirculatory systemcircuscircuitcircumventcircuitouscircumspectMeaning: ['sɜːkjʊlə]  n. an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution. adj. 1. having a circular shape 2. shaped like a ring 3. marked by or moving in a circle. 
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151. Hold up the circular strip and ask the students how many sides it has.
152. This square tower has circular turrets on each side, the whole making a fortified place of retreat.
153. The columns are circular, very thick and have cubiform capitals.
154. In fact, each individual drop of water is describing a circular motion which takes it nowhere overall.
155. The king crabs have a nearly circular carapace, beneath which powerful legs helped the animal to swim and catch prey.
156. Attached to one side was an enormous circular blade; a startling silver against the gloom.
157. Up a narrow circular stair therefrom he went, and in the almost pitch darkness cannoned into somebody coming down.
158. The circular changed and allowed that joint finance money to be paid over a much longer period and virtually in perpetuity.
159. Like the minor, circular designs of the latter, it may have possessed a number of concentric bands.
160. His defence, to start with, was the circular from the Tripoli Committee extending the expiry date on the milk.
161. It showed a small bare circular room with a flagged floor.
162. A draft circular was sent out for comment in mid-1980.
163. The procession follows a circular route through the town, and finishes back in the park.
164. Slowly brush two teeth at a time, using small circular movements.
165. The Development Wheel is a circular chart divided into three sections; personal well-being, communal well-being and material well-being.
166. The villa has a circular courtyard with rooms leading off it in all directions.
167. Knead the fondant or marzipan thoroughly, using a circular motion to spread the colour evenly.
168. A narrow door in what looked like a solid pillar opened to show a cramped circular stair.
169. In the Mesara Plain the built tombs were usually circular.
170. It is happily served by two old paths for ascent and descent, encouraging a circular walk best done clockwise.
171. Circular Quay, where harbor cruises depart, is across the street.
172. It looked perfect - gentle slopes within a semi circular bowl of hills.
173. Distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along dark corridors and seemed to expand into the circular chamber.
174. The Circular clearly envisages that LEAs will set about testing these hypotheses.
175. They constructed a circular model, where both parties in a conversation are shown as having virtually the same functions.
176. The shots rang out just after Combs and his entourage walked past a large circular bar in the center of the club.
177. The furniture was sparse: a circular table and two chairs; a plain bookshelf crammed with books about art and artists.
178. Leading from the Library, the visitor enters a circular building, about 45 yards in diameter with an outer Ionic portico.
179. First there was a nearly circular rim of resplendent mountains, their white caps glistening in the morning sun.
180. At the end of the corridor, they found Herr Bischoff's son waiting in front of a vast circular steel door.
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