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Cheer in a sentence

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Sentence count:215+12Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: comfortgladdengladnesshappinesshopepraiseAntonym: gloommelancholySimilar words: cheer upsheercheekcheesedeerpeersteersheetMeaning: [tʃɪə]  n. 1. a cry or shout of approval 2. the quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom. v. 1. give encouragement to 2. show approval or good wishes by shouting 3. cause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerful 4. become cheerful 5. urge on or encourage especially by shouts. 
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91 The handsome, smiling face exuded confidence and good cheer.
92 Cheer up, Phil. You'll find another job.
93 That got the biggest cheer of the night.
94 In the corridor the youngsters give a sarcastic cheer.
95 Cheer up, kiddo - there'll be other games.
96 We didn't half cheer him on.
96 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
97 Cheer up! It's not the end of the world.
98 A startled cheer erupted from the crowd.
99 Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast. William Shakespeare 
100 But Norman Lamont can not cheer yet.
101 Women in the crowd cheer and stomp.
102 Or like saying stay calm or cheer up.
103 As dinnertime approaches, we cheer up.
104 The bluestocking pair dispensed eccentricity and cheer.
105 All that semblance of seasonal good cheer.
106 There was a great cheer from the spectators.
107 The girls gave a great cheer.
108 With a resounding cheer(, the Infantry lunged forward.
109 Proceed with caution and good cheer, all Libras.
110 A cheer went up from the worshippers, who donned masks of animal heads.
111 A cheer went up from 1,000 throats, greeting the floating city as it towered above Clydebank Town Hall.
112 And despite their efforts at good cheer, the atmosphere in the dang now was somber.
113 When he reached the top, a thunderous cheer went up.
114 An ironic cheer arose from the crowd round the bar.
115 As he was announced the winner to a huge cheer, he looked astonished.
116 As a clown he visits local hospitals to cheer up sick children.
117 Besides, the biggest disincentive to spend is fear of the dole, and Mr Lamont raised little cheer in that regard.
118 All the mums and dads come to cheer their kids on.
119 Crowds gathered in central Lima last Sunday night to cheer his narrow victory over former president Alan Garcia.
120 The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. Mark Twain 
More similar words: cheer upsheercheekcheesedeerpeersteersheetheelpioneerengineerin the endvolunteerpioneeringby the end ofat the end ofengineeringchefchewwheelchaircheatchestcheapin the event ofteacherschemepitcherkitchencheck upcatches
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