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Characteristic in a sentence

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Sentence count:273+4Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: device characteristicfeatureSimilar words: characterizebacteriapracticecharterdistractpracticalin practicepracticallyMeaning: [‚kærəktə'rɪstɪk]  n. 1. a prominent aspect of something 2. a distinguishing quality 3. the integer part (positive or negative) of the representation of a logarithm; in the expression log 643 = 2.808 the characteristic is 2 4. any measurable property of a device measured under closely specified conditions. adj. typical or distinctive. 
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181. The inability to reverse operations is characteristic of the cognitive activity of the preoperational child.
182. A dominant characteristic of the location-factor school is its focus on the particular features of areas in order to explain their relative fortunes.
183. These small crystals are known as phenocrysts and are one of the most characteristic features of andesites.
184. As well as such differences in educational attainment, there are differences in the characteristic linguistic behaviour of various groups.
185. Each member has a specific role and a specific characteristic.
186. The choices are unlimited, but here are some of the characteristic elements which help to give a kitchen a particular atmosphere.
187. This change is so characteristic that its absence should raise a serious question about the diagnosis.
188. It was a bold and a characteristic step by this young aristocrat of twenty-two.
189. Within the legal container of marriage, the idealization and illusion so characteristic or the in-love state can take a nasty knock.
189. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
190. Another characteristic of the industry is that larger MSOs often may have financial interests in cable networks and programming they carry.
191. The other key characteristic of the even-toed ungulates that would have helped this process along is the structure of the feet.
192. All the changes and symptoms that arise are noted and studied to detect patterns and trends that are characteristic and commonly occur.
193. To a much lesser degree, retailing may share some such characteristic.
194. Moving away from traditional melody, the main characteristic of serialism is the non-repetition of rhythms.
195. I have focused attention on identification with the society as being the most characteristic attitude thus expressed by citizens.
196. Nothing was said there which relied on any special characteristic of pain.
197. The characteristic styles of great architects and designers may be seen clearly reflected - Chippendale, Sheraton, Adam and Hepplewhite.
198. Similarly the term polar desert covers both the area and the vegetation characteristic of it.
199. In spite of its quantitative sound, political equality never means having an equal amount of any chosen characteristic.
200. They do not exhibit the semantic indeterminacy characteristic of poetic metaphors.
201. Whatever its benefits, a beaver lake is a conspicuous and characteristic feature of the landscape.
202. Mitch Miller always had a very characteristic conducting style, with his hand in the 0.
203. The parameter is the average mean square of the unperturbed dimension, which is a characteristic parameter for a given polymer chain.
204. It is very unlikely that future generations will exhibit this particular demographic characteristic.
205. Larry, with characteristic generosity, invited everyone back to his house.
206. Consider two of the characteristic features of the first sub-stage of the period Piaget calls the period of concrete operations.
207. The result is a characteristic pattern of light and dark fringes.
208. What is characteristic of his interpretation is that he did not attribute any importance to the Maccabean movement.
209. Subjectivity is the fundament characteristic of value.
210. In the end, system characteristic and system error summarized.
More similar words: characterizebacteriapracticecharterdistractpracticalin practicepracticallyinteractartisticout of practicerealisticterroriststatisticsoptimisticinteractionstatisticalsophisticatedChart.charmchartharassmentCharliein charge ofwristattractgive rise totake chargetouristabstract
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