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Category in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+32Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: classfamilySimilar words: negotiatestrategyintegratestrategicintegratedlocateeducatedelicateMeaning: ['kætɪgərɪ]  n. 1. a collection of things sharing a common attribute 2. a general concept that marks divisions or coordinations in a conceptual scheme. 
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151. Their inclusion in the non-progressive category does not influence the main conclusion that deficits are highest in monitoring patients with progressive disorders.
152. In-laws Relationships with in-laws form a special category of kin relationships.
153. Prince doesn't so much build bridges between categories as create music that exceeds each category simultaneously.
154. These are listed at one chosen or model heading and may also be used elsewhere within a category. 4.
155. In such a case the reader would have to be cleared and certified for each category.
156. Anyone who believes they come within this category should contact this office without delay.
157. We can include in this category empathy or intuition, and also telepathy.
158. And their suicide rate is two to three times higher than ours in every age category.
159. Artists a category which included interior decorators and lowly house-painters were not concentrated in any particular quarter.
160. At least some of the seven small buildings just outside the military compounds at Corbridge may also belong in this category.
161. Emma Thompson won an Oscar in the Best Actress category.
162. The severe limiting of the category would be pragmatic as well in securing more adequate medical insurance coverage.
163. This approach assumes that female psychologists in a particular category are all the same.
164. It was unclear why the last man in the age category did not get tested.
165. Not all the interests in land known to the law were included in the category of real property.
166. Greenridge is a category B listed house, built in 1840 by the famous architect, Archibald Simpson.
167. In the St Ann's study(, the sick and disabled constituted the fourth largest category of the poor.
168. Indeed, it is not surprising that a member of this particular grammatical category should have been brought into play here.
169. Dramatised television and radio productions can be included in this category.
170. See Table 2-I for a list of seizures included in this category.
171. The sum insured must be adequate under each category for the insured to obtain the full benefit.
172. Therefore, the degree to which official statistics underestimate the actual level of crime depends on the particular category of crime.
173. All novices must compete at the amateur level for three races before qualifying for the professional category.
174. Still birth ratios also increase with birth order in each birth interval category.
175. Conveyancing, divorce, probate and criminal matters concerning adults were all in this category.
176. In this secondary category falls financial control - seen by many as boring, bureaucratic and uncreative.
177. Truelove and Witt's criteria were originally developed to classify acute disease attacks and therefore do not include a category for remission.
178. Flower power at Greenridge helped Albert Barron to his sixth consecutive win in the category for gardens not seen from the road.
179. The analysis for Developmental Sentence Types involves classifying each utterance in respect of number of words and grammatical category.
180. Mrs Cigans tells the children to sit at one end of the table but mercifully does not include me in this category.
More similar words: negotiatestrategyintegratestrategicintegratedlocateeducatedelicateadvocateindicatededicatetruncatedcommunicatecomplicatedsophisticatedcommunicate withbe good atnegotiationintegrationtheorystoryhistoryfactoryterritoryinventoryregulatoryfrom memorylaboratoryin memory ofconciliatory
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