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Category in a sentence

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Sentence count:252+32Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: classfamilySimilar words: negotiatestrategyintegratestrategicintegratedlocateeducatedelicateMeaning: ['kætɪgərɪ]  n. 1. a collection of things sharing a common attribute 2. a general concept that marks divisions or coordinations in a conceptual scheme. 
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181. Now, in a similar tradition, comes the particular category of assault called acquaintance violence.
182. The set of services that fits into this category, however, may well be negligible.
183. This prison houses the most dangerous criminals in Britain, those classed as "category A'.
184. It would seem at first sight feasible to calculate this size in a way which reflected precisely the actual use for each category.
185. So much so that, when the various category prizes were announced, he all but swept the board.
186. It represents the largest category of federal payments to the states.
187. This year's Better Environment Awards for Industry include a new category: for companies with bright ideas on recovering waste.
188. Classical criminology did not assume that existing legal definitions of crime and the way they are enforced necessarily constitute this objective category.
189. Initially, you might discern the larger category of three different word groupings.
190. Indecency is a much broader and more widely used category of offence.
191. The second category is the national stoppage resulting from the breakdown of negotiations and the exhaustion of the bargaining machinery.
192. The category award winners ranged from a housing co-operative in Dundee to a children's play area in an Essex village.
193. Therefore, a number of Category Romance series are listed and briefly annotated below.
194. This view characterises most sociological explanations of crime, including those that fall into the third category of causal explanation: invention.
195. In every area it remained the largest category, although distribution was heavily skewed toward Canning Town.
196. Thus for comparative purposes the Category B gas-coal scenario should be used.
197. With the widest fuselage cross-section in its category,( the A321 offers the highest standard of passenger comfort.
198. Each category of debt will have its own yield curve relationships.
199. Embarrassing yourself in public does not come under the category of self-victimisation. 12.
200. It is only in the elite price category, $ 35 and above, that Champagne holds a clear-cut advantage.
201. Clicking on any category brings up a bevy of lovely women.
202. The imperative category is the common grammatical category.
203. This is the postcode category of Osasco, Brazil.
204. The iterator category is at least a forward iterator.
205. As a affiliation in concept, hierarchy comprehended form category.
206. Firstly, exemplariness is a historical category.
207. Data broadcasting is the third broadcasting service category.
208. Plant category, name orphean dot, to several meat plants.
209. Mark Doty, whose Fire to Fire: New and Selected Poems won in its category, noted that he and his partner, the writer, Paul Lisicky, had been recently married in a salt marsh in Truro, Massachusetts.
210. Cancer drugs have been the biggest category of drugs in terms of sales worldwide since 2006 and in the United States since 2008, according to the market researcher IMS Health.
More similar words: negotiatestrategyintegratestrategicintegratedlocateeducatedelicateadvocateindicatededicatetruncatedcommunicatecomplicatedsophisticatedcommunicate withbe good atnegotiationintegrationtheorystoryhistoryfactoryterritoryinventoryregulatoryfrom memorylaboratoryin memory ofconciliatory
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