Similar words: wanna, Pan-Arabism, inability, sustainability, bishop, bisect, biscuit, rubbish. Meaning: ['kænəbɪs] n. 1. any plant of the genus Cannabis; a coarse bushy annual with palmate leaves and clusters of small green flowers; yields tough fibers and narcotic drugs 2. the most commonly used illicit drug; considered a soft drug, it consists of the dried leaves of the hemp plant; smoked or chewed for euphoric effect.
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91 Smoking cannabis may protect users from Alzheimer's, new research suggests. Chemicals in the drug may slow memory loss caused by the disease.
92 The typical herbal form of cannabis consists of the flowers and subtending leaves and stalks of mature pistillate of female plants.
93 One is that cannabis use is a causal factor for schizophrenia, or that it at least precipitates psychosis in vulnerable people.
94 Cannabis detox should be supervised by trained personnel for safety reasons.
95 Methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis for cannabis samples in the illicit traffic.
96 Cannabis is nowhere near as addictive as nicotine or alcohol but it is wrong to say it is not habit-forming.
97 Cannabis induces a state of intoxicated relaxation, euphoria and dreaminess.
98 A tall, annual dioecious plant Cannabis sativa, native to central Asia and having alternate, palmately divided leaves and tough bast fibers.
99 A local youth smoking Dagga, a locally grown form of cannabis.
100 We all used to smoke cannabis in school, but this was hard - core.
101 Bhang:also bang, a preparation from the leaves and seed capsules of the cannabis plant, smoked, chewed, eaten, or infused and drunk to obtain mild euphoria.
102 Later this fall the company plans to release the raw sequence data of the Cannabis indica genome as well as a full genome annotation.
103 Under the current World Anti - Doping Agency code, cannabis is not a banned substance during out - of - competition testing.
104 Did that oId cannabis charge finally catch up with me?
105 The tough, coarse fiber of the cannabis plant, used to cordage.
106 In air of the three cities. pollen grains of artemisia L, cannabis and humulus L. pinus L, ulmus L and populus L were the most frequnt among pollen grains investigated of 54 species.
107 The Dutch classify cannabis in all its forms as a soft drug and the smoking of it, even in public, is not prosecuted.
108 It is frequently overlooked that drugs used in psychiatry are psychoactive drugs, like alcohol and cannabis.
109 A chemical constituent of cannabis, C 21 H 28 ( OH ) 2.
110 The smugglers got through customs with a huge haul of cannabis.
111 At the heart of the faith is the Rastafarians' belief that the smoking of cannabis—ganja—enjoys biblical sanction and aids meditation and spiritual awakening.
112 Chemotypes found in 23 major varieties of Cannabis sativa from 17counties of Yunnan province are reported in this paper.
113 Such Cannabis sativa is also called Han Cannabis sativa, Fire Cannabis sativa(, etc.
114 The use of drugs such as cannabis, LSD, peyote, and psilocybin can be extremely beneficial for introspection and free-thinking if they are used properly.
115 Hemp, a crop grown for durable fiber and nutritious seed, and marijuana, the most abundant illegal drug of abuse in the United States, both belong to the species Cannabis sativa.
116 They have compared the ban on cannabis to the ban on alcohol in the 1920s, an experiment which gifted power and fortune to Al Capone and other mobsters.
More similar words: wanna, Pan-Arabism, inability, sustainability, bishop, bisect, biscuit, rubbish, hibiscus, snobbish, innate, refurbish, innards, plebiscite, pinnacle, innately, in nature, mayonnaise, unnatural, innateness, legionnaire, questionnaire, reconnaissance, nab, canny, cannot, cannon, unable, enable, banns.