Similar words: wanna, Pan-Arabism, inability, sustainability, bishop, bisect, biscuit, rubbish. Meaning: ['kænəbɪs] n. 1. any plant of the genus Cannabis; a coarse bushy annual with palmate leaves and clusters of small green flowers; yields tough fibers and narcotic drugs 2. the most commonly used illicit drug; considered a soft drug, it consists of the dried leaves of the hemp plant; smoked or chewed for euphoric effect.
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61 Smoking cannabis, or being offered it has been pretty much a part of college life for decades.
62 August 20: Cannabis plants worth £2,500 seized by drugs squad officers at a house in the Waterside area of Londonderry.
63 An appeal against his conviction for possessing cannabis was quashed, after a High court ruled there was no evidence against him.
64 Perhaps by making cannabis legal our society would imply progressive sanction to the use of any mood-altering drug.
65 Most school drug users said they had been using cannabis.
66 Richard Miles was a known user of cannabis, but police have no reason to believe his death was drugs-related.
67 She had found cannabis as well as amphetamines in her daughter's room.
68 Ballater, advancing into the garden, noticed a heap of uprooted dead cannabis tangled with chickweed on the small cleared area.
69 Cannabis, when smoked, has to be inhaled very deeply to get its mood-altering effects.
70 They uprooted them, as Marshall had uprooted the cannabis, and watched them wither.
71 I mean, a whopping 82 per cent of people who were killed in car accidents had not been smoking cannabis.
72 He admitted unlawful possession of amphetamine and unlawful possession of cannabis.
73 Cannabis may have few immediate withdrawal effects and this again may give rise to the mistaken belief that it is not addictive.
74 Will this government legalize cannabis?
75 Industrial hemp is made from the plant, Cannabis Sativa.
76 Combining cannabis and tobacco is even worse.
77 He's campaigning for the decriminalization of cannabis.
78 Cannabis smoke actually contains higher concentrations of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) than tobacco smoke.
79 The tests lastapproval , showed that cannabis - based medicines can help to relieve symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
80 A capillary GC method for the simultaneous determination of cannabidiol(CBD), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and cannabinol(CBN) in cannabis is described.
81 In 1998 the UN General Assembly committed member countries to achieving a "drug-free world" and to "eliminating or significantly reducing" the production of opium, cocaine and cannabis by 2008.
81 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
82 Conclusion: The most frequently used psychoactive substance by students in Maiduguri is caffeine, a Stimulant, which they use to enhance there study. This was followed by Alcohol and cannabis.
83 Cannabis sativa is included in both Five Cereals and Nine Cereals in the traditional literature.
84 The hemp sawfly Trichiocampus cannabis Xiao et Huang is one of the main pests in Liu-an hemp district.
85 Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit mind-altering drug in the world. It is classed as 'a minor hallucinogen with depressant qualities'.
86 ConclusionThis method is accurate and reliable, and it can provide the research basis for quality evaluation and control of Cannabis Sativa.
87 Wait to light disease relier or cocaine, cannabis without body dependence material, should instantly Buddhist monastic discipline is broken.
88 Ch as e, for example, caused a fuss by excluding a pro-life group and an outfit that wants to legalise cannabis from its competition.
89 A helicopter that can sniff out cannabis is flying over the skies of the Netherlands.
90 Cannabis, known as marijuana in its herbal form, is a psychoactive product of the plant Cannabis sativa.
More similar words: wanna, Pan-Arabism, inability, sustainability, bishop, bisect, biscuit, rubbish, hibiscus, snobbish, innate, refurbish, innards, plebiscite, pinnacle, innately, in nature, mayonnaise, unnatural, innateness, legionnaire, questionnaire, reconnaissance, nab, canny, cannot, cannon, unable, enable, banns.