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Asthma in a sentence

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Sentence count:235+8Posted:2017-03-04Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: asthma attackbronchial asthmaSimilar words: as thoughfreshmanbrahmanaplaster castrhythmalgorithmbiorhythmarithmeticMeaning: ['æsmə]  n. respiratory disorder characterized by wheezing; usually of allergic origin. 
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211. CONCL USION: Procaterol aerosol inhaler was effective and safe in mild and moderate bronchial asthma treatment.
212. Asthma is a kind of disease characterised by paroxysmal stridor with sputum.
213. They help control and prevent airway spasms during asthma attacks.
214. Results OSAHS can be misdiagnosed as primary hypertension , arrhythmia, asthma, acalcerosis and some other diseases.
215. Nonetheless, none of these pathogens is associated with severity of asthma exacerbation.
216. Be helpful for lighten asthma or cough. Appease nerve and blue mood.
217. For best effects, take allergy drugs at bedtime and asthma drugs in the late afternoon[], a National Jewish Medical Center allergist advises.
218. Asthma drugs are not addictive and you don't need to keep increasing the dose. If anything, the reverse is true.
219. Or doctors may misdiagnose it as (asma)asthma or another infection. Some of the early warning signs (as)are a cough that will not go away and an increase in mucus production.
220. OBJECTIVE:To review the progress of leukotriene inhibitors in the treatment of asthma.
221. One of the most common mistakes was to buy a mattress cover to protect against dust mites for a child whose asthma was exacerbated instead by plant pollen.
222. To explore the influence of psychological intervention on emotion, coping style and physiological reaction of bronchial asthma patients.
223. Conclusion BCG polyose nuclear acid injection can reduce the incidence rate of plasmodium virus asthma.
224. Conclusion:Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and dermatophagoides culinae were important allergens for children with asthma in Three Gorges Reservoir Area.
225. Objective: To observe the differences of peak expiratory flow (PEF) before and after budesonide aerosol inhalation for children's asthma.
226. Aim : To study the diagnostic value of Exercise Histamine Asthma ( EHIA ) for bronchial asthma.
227. Of these, 209 had recently suffered an asthma exacerbation and 77 had stable disease ( controls ).
228. Furry and feathery animals are a common trigger of asthma symptoms.
229. But then further studies discovered that infection with H. pylori was protective against esophageal reflux and cancer of the esophagus, and may also reduce the incidence of asthma.
230. The liquor ice troche is the Chinese herbal medicine which can alleviate cough and asthma.
231. Objective:Observe the pharmacodynamic function and mechanism of Jiaozhi Soft Capsule on asthma.
232. Objective To improve the accuracy of etiologic diagnosis of asthma caused by the pollens of humulus and chenopodium.
233. Objective : To investigate the antiasthmatic effect and mechanism of shaddock peels extract on bronchial asthma.
234. Researchers found that bromelain significantly reduced the total number of leukocytes, interleukin as the incidence of asthma and an increase in the number.
235. Result children injected with BCG polyose nuclear acid have a low incidence rate of asthma.
More similar words: as thoughfreshmanbrahmanaplaster castrhythmalgorithmbiorhythmarithmeticless thanaestheticprostheticanestheticaestheticsno less thanstone's throwkinestheticaestheticallypass throughacross the boardhope against hopeas topasteastfasthastevastwastecastmastlast
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