Similar words: assertive, effectiveness, assertion, impulsiveness, assert, asserted, dessert, graveness. Meaning: n. aggressive self-assurance; given to making bold assertions.
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1. Assertiveness training has rarely featured much in religious traditions.
2. Her voice was sharp with urban assertiveness.
3. Here are some basic assertiveness techniques: Three-part messages: This formula can help you express messages that make you feel uncomfortable.
4. That's assertiveness, boyo. It is intended that the course, differently slanted, will start soon after Easter.
5. Another attempt is being made to run an assertiveness course in the North-East.
6. Assertiveness training can be fun as well as being an effective way of changing behaviour.
7. Is civic assertiveness now so strong that citizens would actually be prepared to break laws which they considered to be unjust?
8. Interviews, assertiveness techniques and use of the telephone are among topics covered.
9. Assertiveness, stress management and time management are topics covered annually by a professional tutor on national training days.
10. Assertiveness Training Assertiveness skills start from a basic premise - that we all have certain rights.
11. Any handbook on assertiveness techniques will tell you that the first rule is to make eye contact with your interviewers.
12. What does assertiveness training inculcate?
13. Assertiveness Assertive behavior is active, direct, and honest.
14. Role playing is an important element in assertiveness training.
15. Her assertiveness turns off some traditionalists.
16. GE India provides its female staff with assertiveness training.
17. Would you benefit from assertiveness training? Take this mini-test...
18. The assertiveness has sent shivers through staid Japanese boardrooms.
19. Her assertiveness was starting to be seen as arrogance.
20. Second, India fears China's greater assertiveness in territorial disputes, particularly surrounding Arunachal Pradesh.
21. Underlying assertiveness training, obviously, is the belief that we are all created equal and should treat each other as equals.
22. Assertiveness training can reduce stress by teaching you to stand up for your legitimate rights without bullying or being bullied.
23. Whether American self - assertiveness fits into today's crammed and touchy world can be debated.
24. Some people think that assertiveness training turns nice, accommodating people into complainers or calculating manipulators.
24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
25. But once she had consolidated the break and served out for the set she was unable to summon the same assertiveness.
26. And they are surprised to learn that boys who lack assertiveness often express their pent-up anger by being ineffectual.
27. But developing a sense of this is essential to wellbeing; assertiveness training and learning self-defence can both help.
28. At the heart of healthy interpersonal communication is the skill of assertiveness.
29. However, behaviour therapy was more effective than insight-oriented therapy for patients' subsequent depression, anxiety, and assertiveness.
30. Though at times the Lakers looked overanxious, and dare I say sloppy, but their assertiveness on the offensive end gave me hope again.
More similar words: assertive, effectiveness, assertion, impulsiveness, assert, asserted, dessert, graveness, legislative assembly, lesser, advertiser, dissertation, assess, finesse, oneness, furtive, diverting, desertification, in essence, rudeness, awareness, ripeness, likeness, abortive, assessment, nonessential, obtuseness, falseness, supportive, inventive.