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Altering in a sentence

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Sentence count:150+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: filteringmutteringflatteringscatteringadministeringalterfalteralteredMeaning: ['ɔːltə]  n. the sterilization of an animal. 
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1. The President took the unusual step of altering his prepared speech in order to condemn the terrorist attack.
2. And he has been criticized for altering his position.
3. You can just about excuse Porsche for not altering the external shape, but forgiveness is impossible when it concerns the interior.
4. The concept of altering demand to remain at full employment was one he did not find it difficult to grasp.
5. Unification had been imposed from above, without fundamentally altering the existing state and political system.
6. Without altering the relationship of speaker and hearer, the next section turns statement into accusation.
7. Quevauviller is very successful in systematically altering analytical chemists to effective means for achieving quality in analytical speciation.
8. It's merely a question of altering your foundation to match your skin colour.
9. The error can spread over the polygon by altering the positions of the boundary points appropriately.
10. The PET scan studies showed that altering glutamate levels could lead to new ways to treat schizophrenia.
11. Programs are expensive[], and even more so if you have to keep altering them.
12. Aircraft can avoid each other by going up and down, as well as by altering course to left or right.
13. The eighteenth century sought to refine upon Shakespeare by altering and adapting his plays.
14. Blake thought the burning incense could have been a hallucinogenic drug which was altering his perception.
15. As the bowlers work on it, the scar becomes deeper and wider with every sneaky scratch altering the aerodynamics.
16. It is not possible to reduce costs without significantly altering the quality of the product.
17. This work is best left to a professional builder, with experience of altering and renovating chimneys and flues.
18. Aside from linking the curriculum together, there are two additional benefits from altering the usual schedule of the high school day.
19. All societies can, if they choose, negate the tragedy by altering the reward system.
20. She would then try to adjust her flight path to the fist by altering direction into the wind.
21. Others suggest that the buildup of mountains by tectonic movement may also serve as a trigger, by altering air currents.
22. That no beer can be replicated and brewed miles from its original home without altering the character of the brew and 2.
22. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
23. Instead you pick the most likely payoff and test to see if altering it changes the pattern of behaviour.
24. The newcomers can pose a threat to biodiversity by altering ecosystems.
25. The character of international relations was now broadening and their essential nature altering.
26. ScotRail and InterCity say the services they are withdrawing or altering will affect a small number of commuters.
27. Schools have been given greater autonomy and greater exposure to market forces, both of which are significantly altering their information requirements.
28. By the beginning of the twentieth century the attitudes and ambience of many foreign offices were altering quite rapidly.
29. Many women now go out to work. Technical progress is altering the demand for labour.
30. The greatest discovery of any generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering the attitudes of their minds. Albert Schweitzer 
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