Synonym: regrettably, unfortunately, unluckily. Similar words: alarm, salad, galaxy, malady, palate, palace, salary, flask. Meaning: [ə'læs] adv. by bad luck.
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121) The job-search process, alas, often seems to favor the extroverted, but you can prevail.
122) And , alas, our spring is not here to allay your thirst.
123) Alas, that will not involve laboriously digging up lots of roads.
124) Alas, I was not careful and It'struck your ringing anklets and came to grief.
125) Alas, more relationship turbulence will come up a week later, on Friday September 12, when Uranus in Pisces will conjoin the Sun in Virgo.
126) Alas, I have ever study the feeling of the nobleness in moral character of ancientry . perhaps it has different refretation fron the two ideas. but why ?
127) Alas, 18 years later, Rev Williams was eaten by cannibals in the New Hebrides.
128) I must launch out my boat. The languid hours pass by on shore - Alas for me!
129) Alas, Goldfarb was a little late with his security consciousness -- Goffer's line had already been tapped by law enforcement.
130) Alas, the hope of this happy result attracts intense competition, so vigorous in most years as to cause the P/C industry as a whole to operate at a significant underwriting loss.
131) Alas, that grown - up attitude doesn't extend to another of Aniston's former flames.
132) Alas the false gods did not put their dissonance into sports; instead a full out war developed between the false gods.
133) Ganzhou there Jolin Tsai endorsement of Alas ah? Yes, where? To a specific address.
134) Alas, a straightforward tax on carbon would be far superior to the cumbersome and nontransparent cap-and-trade system based on tradable emissions permits that is proposed in the House bill.
135) Alas this being just like the original Mahatma is only a pawn of the false intervention.
136) Alas, why does my mind, even in its best days, never possess but a particle of the assimilative powers of the body?
137) Alas you cannot return home to the Tao this way; and it is a dead-end street.
138) In the bargain, the dark do not hunt one down; alas one is only setting oneself to be used in the dance, and this will lead to a failed ascent in the long haul.
139) Narrator: Amelie has one friend, Blubber. Alas the home environment has made Blubber suicidal.
140) BENVOLIO: Alas, that love , so gentle in his view , should be so tyrannous roughproof!
141) I say certainly...Who know Sunday me bed throat very painful, run at the nose wildly...I have to make a phone call to her at noon, alas, can postpone!
142) Alas, It'seems I was blithely going about it entirely the wrong way.
143) Such farsightedness is, alas , only a drop in the bucket.
144) Alas, it seems the days of double-digit growth in online banking and bill payment are a thing of the past.
145) Is alas, they say of to, swan F through die(, our high class order to fight down really hard management under work.
146) BENVOLIO Alas, that love, so gentle in his view, should be so tyrannous and rough in proof!
147) Alas, my love, that I cannot be by you, Whatever skerry or reef you land on.
148) Alas, the case of the lackadaisical Lakers might just have been solved.
149) But alas, no little rabbit babies were to be seen!
150) The approach shot is invariably with the ball below one's feet; hitting a controlled mid-iron from this position is a shot of great skill, but alas few 'flat landers' possess such ability.