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Slashed in a sentence

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Sentence count:169+8 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-12-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: slashclashflashwashed outabashedunabashedflash backunabashedlyMeaning: [slæʃ]  adj. 1. patterned by having color applied with sweeping strokes 2. having long and narrow ornamental cuts showing an underlying fabric 3. wounded by cutting deeply 4. (used of rates or prices) reduced usually sharply. 
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1. He slashed through the rope.
2. A good horse should be seldom slashed.
3. Vandals had slashed the tyres with a razor.
4. The nearside front tyre had been slashed.
5. Someone had slashed the tires.
6. Someone had slashed the tyres on my car.
7. Vandals slashed the paintings with knives.
8. He slashed the Administration for its politics.
9. The leopard's claws slashed through soft flesh.
10. Prices have been slashed by 50%!
11. The scissors slashed his finger open.
12. He slashed his way through the bush.
13. The blade slashed his leg .
14. He slashed his wrists with a razor.
15. The rain slashed against the windows of the car.
16. He slashed his wrists in a suicide attempt.
17. Intruders slashed and mutilated several paintings.
18. The workforce has been slashed by 50%.
19. Ebby's face had been slashed with broken glass.
20. He slashed the Administration for its policies.
21. He slashed at her[],[] aiming carefully.
22. We slashed our way through the dense forest.
23. He slashed his wrists in a failed suicide bid.
24. He slashed wildly at me with a knife.
25. The workforce has been slashed by half.
26. The dress was slashed to the waist.
27. Vandals had slashed/cut the train seats to ribbons.
28. About 10% staff will be slashed and burned this year.
29. He slashed the bark off the tree with his knife.
30. The museum was broken into last night and several paintings were slashed.
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