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180 in a sentence

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Sentence count:172+3Posted:2016-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: 10000101105110115125130135Meaning: adj. being ten more than one hundred seventy. 
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151 The customs authorities attributed the surging import value of crude oil, automobiles and iron ore, which climbed by 180 percent, 96 percent and 36 percent respectively, to the growing trade deficit.
152 At the initial issue of ETF, we invest in 180 indexes of shanghai securities market using CPPI and TIPP, and then compare their performance under different market conditions.
153 The anti-tumor effects of Ipomoea Batatas Poir Cv Anthocyanins were observed on the well-established S_(180) tumor mice model and hepatoma H_(22) mice model.
154 Treatment consisted of 50 laser exposures across 180? ? of trabecular meshwork.
155 According to the doctors, a spent bullet falls back to Earth with a speed of between 90 and 180 metres per second.
156 Enter, 180′s lineup of earmuffs some of which have headphones attached to them.
157 During the Trias period about 180 million years ago,(sentence dictionary) Yunnan was a land above sea level where many gymnosperms grew.
158 The cytology changes in the cross0fertilized eggs 10 to 180 minutes after fertilization between Bufo raddei(female)and Bufo bufo (male)was investigated.
159 Methods: Twenty - three Kunming mice bearing S 180 sarcoma were set up.
160 The charter - party container no bunker specifications other than calling for 180 CST fuel oil.
161 Building hall dining room seat 180, supply solid colored, cake and element room.
162 Japanese court on August 27,2002, during the first hearing on Unit 731, rejected the compensation request filed by 180 Chinese people against former Japanese soldiers they accused of germ warfare.
163 Ominously, on Tuesday, the authorities closed the port of Natchez, Miss. , about 180 miles (290 km) northwest.
164 The bank will pay an additional $180 million in disgorgement of profits from its cross-border banking business, as well as $400 million in U.S. tax-related payments.
165 Start with 180 minus your age (a) for the fat burning zone upper limit target heart rate (z).
166 The first epicentre was 295km (180 miles) north-northwest of Vanuatu's largest island, Santo, at a depth of 35km (21.7 miles).
167 More than 180 miles of quarry tunnels snake through the foundations of Paris, nearly all of them off-limits.
168 Nigeria and Bangladesh come joint 130th out of 180 countries in Transparency International's 2009 corruption perceptions index and Angola comes 162nd, in a table topped by New Zealand.
169 Overall, the financing gap of developing countries is projected to be $210 billion in 2010, declining to $180 billion in 2011—down from an estimated $352 billion in 2009.
170 The Gospel of Judas predates the A.D. 180 publication of St. Irenaeus' Against Heresies.
171 If the Insured dies due to and within 180 days upon occurrence of any accidental injury, the Company will pay accidental death benefits specified in this Contract.
172 A usance credits obviously calls for a time draft, and the usance varies from 30,60 days to as long as 180 days even longer.
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